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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Haha, yeah it kinda does. He could use one of the Joker's fish. The bottom of his suite looks a little overdone but it will do. "Retreat!!" "Retreat!!"
  2. Yes, both versions of target figure have great accessories. If you need more weapons, check out little armory from Tomytec. Their weapons are 1/12 scale. I have a LA046 that I may give to Roadblock. My little armory figmas may soon be going to war against the Joes!!
  3. I saw the entire wave at my lcs a few days ago. I picked up Scarlett and Roadblock. I went back today and the others were all gone. I have both versions of snake eyes and Duke on PO with Hasbro Pulse. I highly recommend these figures if you run across them. The added leg and neck articulation allows for some really dynamic poses. These are quite possibly Hasbro's best 6 inch figures to date. I may do a head swap for Scarlett using the Target exclusive black widow, as her head sculpt is a little young in appearance.
  4. Shiklah and Deadpool are definitely wasted opportunities. She does however have some value in that she could be used for a Sage or Selene custom. I would like to see them throw in some of the younger X-men here and there for varieties sake. Surge, maggot, Marrow, Doug Ramsey, just to name a few. We still need Banshee!
  5. Damn That looks Good!!! You have to do the Blitz soon! "Athrunnn!!!!!" "Kiraaaa!!!"
  6. Very. Nice Anubis! I love your highlighting. I'm building Seed kits this month. I just finished the Updated HG Destiny, and I look to start painting the PG Strike Freedom by the end of the week. I also just finished the MG Providence.
  7. Damn! Very nice anubis! I so want the Blaze Zaku. What colors did you use for the bright red and Grey? I started painting the MG Providence this week and will also start the PG Freedom. I'm working on Seed kits this month.
  8. Xtinction Agenda!!
  9. Storms costume has always been black in the comic's. The silver look is mainly from confusion of the interpretation of leather/ pvc gloss appearance. I suspect the only reason we got white/ silver was from the old toybiz toy line and the animation. An African American character in an all back leather like costume, Probably wouldn't animate very well. Too much detail would be lost. Rogue is missing her trademark white stripe, but I assume that we are looking at prototypes and not production versions. But either way, I'm growing tired of the twiggy frame on all of the female sculpts. Women with curves do exist in the real world!
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