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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. I think the Zoom reveal was awesome but not unexpected. I thought that's who he would be revealed as. I think the man in the Iron mask is a Jay or Barry from another earth. I think Zoom is killing all of the speedsters in the multiverse ala Jet Li's the One..
  2. Good score sh9000. Where did you find them at?
  3. JBO, Check out Kotobukiya's Frame Arm girls.
  4. That's awesome! I knew it was going to be a hit. Fox announced that Wolverine 3 will also get an R rating. Hopefully the Merc with a mouth will cameo in it.
  5. Very nice SH9000! Are those the Marauder INC figures? I love your X-men collection btw.
  6. I've been able to find all of the black series figures at retail at some point. They are out there, but you have to keep looking. I ran into the harder to find characters (Rey, Kylo Rin) in just the last 2 months. Wal Mart and the local grocery store chains is where I've seen most of them. I've lost interest in the line as a whole, and have only picked up Kylo Ren and a First order Storm Trooper for myself.
  7. Saw it yesterday and loved it. From what I've heard so far, it seems that it will crush box office expectations.
  8. Definitely loving the DC show's. Can't wait for the Flash/Supergirl crossover. Super girl is finally finding its footing and the show is progressively getting Better. Flash is just pure unadulterated awesome. I need to go back and watch Legends episodes 2 and 3. It's also a must watch.
  9. Started working on the Bandai 1/72 VF-1S
  10. Badass!! Loli
  11. Thanks for sharing! Hot Rod looks solid. I won't be afraid to transform this version.
  12. Me Too. M'Kyunn glad that you like him. Very solid release in my book. Can't believe Hot Rod will also be released this month. Not into Beast wars so Optimum Primal as any other beast wars will be an easy pass for me.
  13. Scyla my comments were aimed mostly at the comments posted on TFW2005 not Macrossworld. So take no offense as none was meant. Most of the critiques posted in this thread have mainly been positive and within reason. My post at 1 am in the morning often times come out a little stronger than I intend most of the time, so they too should be taken with a huge grain of salt! I think we the fans often times forget how good we have it with certain toy lines like transformers. It is a property that has so many manufacturers producing product at so many price points that the average consumer or collector should be able to find something that meets their expectations unlike Macross. Is the masterpiece line without fault. No, but have most of the releases been good for the price that has been offered? I certainly think so. MP tracks has been the only fail in my eyes. The other bots, yes each one has things that could have been better, but I don't think they are deal breakers. My Favorites in the line are MP prime (perfection defined) and the Nissan/Datsun mold. Close 2nd in my eyes. I disagree in the since that I think the line is a great line. The value you get from a $66 Ironhide is unreal in my book when I compare it to some of the higher end toys line you and I collect that you mentioned. Even though Tracks was a miss in my mind, I applaud all of the other goodies they packaged with the toy. Flight stand, Raul, Blaster, etc. Ironhide felt like even better bang for the buck and gave me a SOC feel with all of the additional accessories. I was never a huge fan of the character, but the release feels like a centerpiece for any MP collector.
  14. Blasphemy!!! No, seriously they both look great. I'm siding with the original though. I agree that the repaint is a little too monochromatic. If her outfit was a different color I'd go repaint.
  15. I read all of the negativity with a grain of salt. Most people that complain are consumers not producers. If they had any talent, they would be the producers, not the other way around. That isn't to say that all complaints aren't valid, but that they should evaluated on merit. You won't be disappointed with him when you receive it. It's fun to transform, well articulated, looks close enough to the G1 cartoon and comes with a ton of added accessories that pay homage to the cartoon. The face plate removal gimmick is ingenious. The paint application is great and feels Masterpiece in quality.
  16. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. For the link. I scored one from CDJapan as well!
  17. My MP ironhide came in today and I must say that Ironhide is a must get. Takara is back on track with this release. Tracks and Road rage were let downs, but they hit they hit the ball out of the park with MP-27. I can't wait to get Ratchet. Only wish his elbows and knee's were double jointed, but he still has a lot of articulation. You also get a ton of accessories with this release. Great bang for your buck.
  18. Great score on the Hulkbuster! I've heard good things about it. SHfiguarts has been killing it. It's time to bust some Deciptich ops!!
  19. Tavus, If you purchased it from HLJ, you should contact them with a picture of the damaged part. They often times can get replacement parts from the manufacturers. In the past I've been able to get spare parts for several of my Yamato valks.
  20. Count me in as interested as well! This looks too awesome to pass up.
  21. Hello No3ljm, Anime export Neo getter
  22. Very Nice Jefuemon! Is that a 57 Chevy?
  23. Finally finishing up my 1/60 Yamato unassembly kit. Just need to final top coat.
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