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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Very nice! 90's X-men! Do you have Bishop? I can't wait for the X-men wave of Marvel legends to be released. I really want an updated Rogue figure to go into my 6 inch collection.
  2. I buy figurines here and there. Last month I purchased Celia physical Bikini version and I have several figures on preorder ( Brave Marudea fight, Jingai Makyo Ignis, and Tony's Heroine Freesia).
  3. Saw the film Friday night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Is it a perfect film? No, not even close but also not worthy of a lot of the hating that is going on. I think my biggest gripe is with the editing and pacing. I loved all of the performances from the cast, Affleck is the Best Batman/Bruce Wayne to date, bar none. I continue to Love Cavil's depiction of Superman and I can't wait for Wonder woman to be released. All of the other cast, shone when given the screen time. Eisenberg's depiction of Lex will probably be the most debated depiction from the film. I think he really showed how terrifying Lex can be during the Senate Hearing sequence. I think a lot of the criticism of the film has been unfair. Snyder and DC chose to make an Adult themed film and I commend them for it. The Big 3 are the most iconic comics book characters, and they made a serious fin to go along with their stature. Some of the criticism is from a frame of reference that doesn't reflect the actual material on screen. DC reset the Superman character in the comics a few years ago. Snyder superman is a reflection of the New 52 version of superman. A younger version of the iconic character that is learning as he goes. He is no longer a mid 30's to 40's super hero with the benefit of wisdom and experience. He is still the same character in essence, and his biggest fault lies in his naiveté. Batman's newfound brutality can be easily explained within the scene from the trailer ( Wayne Tower collapsing). Alfred's comments in the first trailer reflect that shift or change in character as a result of the new world that Bruce now finds himself in. This really parallels the moral dilemma the U.S. found itself in after the events of Sept 11th. I think I was initially lukewarm about the film after first viewing it, but over time as I've had more time to reflect and digest the film, my appreciation for it has grown. Very similar to MOS. So in that regard, I can understand why some aren't overly in love with this film. It doesn't have the visceral fun factor that we've gotten too accustomed with from the Disney/Marvel films. I appreciate the fact that DC choose to go in different direction and didn't mimic how Marvel has chosen to do with their film properties.
  4. HLJ also has the Figma Panzer tank on sale right now. It should pair well with this release.
  5. Seconded Anime52k8! Debating on whether I should preorder 2 of the Little armory.
  6. 1/48 hasegawa YF-19 and frame arms girl Materia
  7. 1/48 hasegawa YF-19 and frame arms girl Materia
  8. To good of a deal to pass up!
  9. Just got my MP Hot rod and I'm loving him. Was it a perfect release that was truly worthy of the Masterpiece namesake? Probably not. Not enough die-cast, too light, mismatched colors and gate marks on the chrome exhaust. Everyone will have to answer that for themselves, but I still think it was a very great release nonetheless. The articulation and posability of the toy are exceptional. I think he is the funniest Masterpiece to handle to date. His proportions don't look as bad in person as they do in the video's.
  10. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice score Derex! My Regult will be waiting in Austin, when I get back in town this weekend!
  11. Very good review Kinzoku. The toy utterly failed in the only mode I had any marginal interest in, so it was any easy pass for me. I can't imagine how worse the next two releases will be with the added weight of the fast packs heaped on top of it.
  12. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Fun times! I got one at HLJ! I got a server error and 3 orders went in. Cancelled 2 of the 3 so my account won't get suspended!
  13. Hello Kajnrig, thanks for posting that pic! I'm' such an idiot, I went back to the manual and found it on the same page as the picture for the gunpod attachment (How the hell did I not see that before!!)
  14. I'll probably display my Hot Rod in front of Rodimus to replicate the movie scene of his transformation.
  15. Golden Arms

    Macross figures

    What happened to Max's Glasses? Those do look pretty bad BTW!
  16. Awesome work Vifam. I just completed the Fokker version and I concur that this one model that should be kept in one mode only. I painted and decayed mine and I'm currently repairing some areas where the decals were scratched off during assembly. Also may go back and apply panel lines. Two coats of clear apparently isn't enough to protect decals from scratching in areas that are prone to rubbing with other parts! I also can't get the back and chest section to completely seal properly when in fighter mode with the legs attached. But that being said it was a fun build nonetheless. The biggest problem with the kit is that a lot of the attachment nubs and tabs are too short. I still have another Fokker and Hikaru, and I'm waiting for the strike parts to come back in stock at HLJ. Do you know if there is an attachment that will allow the fighter mode to be attached to a Display base?
  17. I'll Definitely pick one of these up, but leave it in one model only. Just finishing up the 1/72 Focker VF-1S and I hope Bandai has learned a lot since releasing those kits.
  18. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Ditto on the Regult. I tried to order 2 of the Gluag and they changed it to 1 per person.
  19. Welcome aboard Distancepro! This is a great forum. A very passionate and opinionated group, but overall a great place to spend your free time with some great folk! Sweet Model Spanner!
  20. Picked several items from HLJ, and frame arms girl from EBay.
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