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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Slag, Where did you order the MechWarrior from?
  2. Thanks Xigfrid, What WMKR said!!! Postman just dropped mine off and I unboxed it. I can't wait to start building this. Those on the fence, dont be, it looks awesome. I may have to double dip on your second batch and get a painted version as I have way too many kits in the pipeline to build!! For painting, Will enamels be safe? Do you have a suggested paintcolor guide? Going to need to watch Mac+ sometime soon and burn the colors into my mind! Thanks again!
  3. Partially Agree with Dukes comments about Chris Evans and Downey Jr. Evans has been that good and I think he's such an underrated actor. I think he doesn't get enough credit for how versatile he is. Very well rounded actor, can seemingly do anything on screen. In regards to RDJ,I think he's been equally as good as depicting Tony. I think its easy to not him enough credit for really bringing the character to life because he makes it look so easy. His personal life has mirrored Tony in some regards, and I think that has enabled him to come across as more genuine and not acting into character per se, but more in command of the material because he has literarily been to some of the same dark places that Tony has fallen to. I think what I've liked most about this films and the actors in them, is that we have seen how the characters have personally evolved with each film outing. The Cap that we saw at the end of Captain America isn't the same person we see in Civil War. Ditto for Tony Stark. The shaky cam stuff at the beginning wasn't very good. Been there done that, and has been done better, so it was a let down. Definitely the weakest action piece in the entire film.
  4. I may have to pick that Shinanju up. I have the MG version and it's in pile of upcoming builds.
  5. I like the black version. The candy cane Stockings give the figure a little more flair.
  6. I forgot this is released today. Going to pick up a copy after going to the gym. Groupon also has a special on the DVD/blue.
  7. YEP. And his mutant ability to communicate directly with Warlock is too convenient and kills potential drama. They should keep the group to a Max of six students so they can at least get some time to flesh the characters out.
  8. My brother and I had several Visionaries. If I remember correctly, each character would recite some poem to unlock their animal power/attack from either their chest or staff. I kinda hated that they were in their own scale which was between GI Joe and He-Man figures.
  9. Pretty cool concept. I would swap the yellow with the Black on the torso, but it works nonetheless. Yeah, Wolverine's X-men uniform was such an epic fail in all of the movies. Hugh Jackman has such a great physique and they wasted it too a large extent with the full sleeves look in X-men,X2 and even DOFP. I always thought his would've been the easiest to translate even if they didn't want to include the mask. What you posted is similar to what my minds eye would've done with his costume to keep in line with the movies current costume aesthetic.
  10. I think a GI Joe and Transformers would be the easiest to share a universe with. I felt the Last 2 Fast and Furious movies had several elements from Mask. So it too could be easily adapted.
  11. That would be badass. I liked the tease of it that we got in The Wolverine. Now that think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Daken in Wolverine 3.
  12. Okay X-men Fanboi rant mode on!. Several gripes with what we've seen so far: 1. Still not Digging Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse. His voice sounds terrible, Apocalypse has never been shown to have a human appearance ( except for shape shifting). I'll wait to see how he handles the character. He's a great actor so I'll reserve judgment and give him the benefit of doubt. 2. Magneto and Storm playing bitch to anyone ( too out of character for them both) I'll have to suspend disbelief here. 3. Cyclops with Shades!! WTF. He's codenamed Cyclops for a reason. Bring back the visor! The visor for field work. 4. I'll keep saying it. The X-men uniforms are terrible. Deadpool had a fraction of this movies budget and had worlds better X-Men Uniforms. The costumes are incrementally getting better, but I'll be dead and buried before we see something similar to what they should look like from the comics. Singer, hire the Deadpool costume designer for future X-men films! The heroes and villains all look like they shop from the same costume outlet. Too monochromatic. But, otherwise still excited for this film. The new cast members look amazing and I hope they continue with sequels down the road focusing on them as X-men. Psylocke looks great, I want to see her in a X-force film. Jubilee looks like she jumped straight out of the 90's cartoon or Jim Lee's pencils! Nightcrawler is slowly making me forget Alan Cummings take on the fuzzy elf. Loved Quicksilver's line about his dad. The archangel wings look amazing. I hope the combat sequences are entertaining. Storm vs Cyclops reminds me of the 80's issue where they squared off in the danger room.
  13. Very nice work Indigo! I'm finishing up the Hi Resolution Barbatos and started work on the PG Unicorn.
  14. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Ordered my Roy from Nippon Yasan and should have it by Monday! I hope they continue with other VF-1 releases.
  15. The VF-11C is my unicorn! Huge hole in my collection. Wish Arcadia would re release.
  16. Well said. I may need to order a second VF-0A as Roy may be lonely when he finally gets his armor.
  17. At least she has Motoko's trademark hair. Hopefully we will see her in one of Motoko's racier costumes!
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