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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. You should be good. I actually had 2 in my account from hlj so I cancelled one to keep within their preorder policy. I was also able to order the blue frame from hlj as well. it was stuck in my cart for nearly 40 minutes but after I cancelled one of the DX in my account I was able to complete my order of the blue frame. successful morning!!
  2. Colossus proportions look off in the pics posted from Sdcc. They should've gone with the outback version of dazzler, as she would have fit the other characters in the 90's lineups. Warlock only makes sense if they decide to release some of the new mutants.
  3. Looking great, so far. Really excited for this. Affleck is definitely the best Bruce on screen. Barry's suite looks cool, and I like Arthur's eyes and temperament from what we've seen.
  4. Trailer was Meh! not too excited for this one. Fox now has marvel and DC property on their TV lineup.
  5. Going to need 2 of these!!
  6. Damn Anubis! Your Hayate turned out so much better than mine. Great detail!
  7. I made the same mistake! I was able to glue it back together with rubber cement.
  8. What Hal said regarding the stickers/decals. For Decals I apply gloss top coat first. Next I then use Micro sol Setting solutions to prep the surface for decals and to soften the decal once applied. Allow decals to dry and then finish with another top coat. The micro sol solutions work very well for tough decals. They work wonders on the Hasegawa decals which I've found can be difficult to work with if applied to a curved surface. They are a must own in my book if you do any modelling. That's why I bought a 2nd kit. First kit is stickers/quick build. 2nd kit will be painted and decaled.
  9. Awesome work Iguana! Mine is progressing pretty well. I stopped at the second wing. So far I've been really impressed with this kit so far. Defiantly restored my faith in Bandai's Macross Kits. Currently building this and the 1/100 Impulse gundam. Big stamp of approval for Bandai bringing their A game to Delta. Can't wait for the DX toys!
  10. Yeah, your right on the release dates ( 2013 for the 1A/S and VF-1S), which makes the 1S/1A kits that more pathetic! I was so Frustrated with the Focker 1S I nearly threw it against the wall!
  11. Mine arrived today. I will likely do a quick build using the stickers. I ordered a 2nd, and if the first build goes ok, I will paint and decal the 2nd one once it arrives. I gave the sprues a quick glance and it looks to be an improvement over the VF-1S/A kits Bandai put out before the frontier kits. So I have my fingers crossed.
  12. Wave 2 should've included Psylocke and or Magik as the last versions were SDCC exclusives and they have since redone the female bucks. Also love to see Siyrn, Dani Moonstar, AHAB, Bastion, Rachel Summers as Dark Phoenix, Sebastian Shaw, Professor X with Hover chair. I'll be cherry picking the figures.
  13. Just back from seeing the film and enjoyed it. I think I liked it more as a Fan of the source material and not because I think it's great. It has a ton of faults but if you have liked the two previous films in the installment then you will like this one. Singer continues to falter with action sequences as I felt they were dull and unimaginative. If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to hang around after the credits.
  14. Golden Arms

    Hi-Metal R

    Gundam is turning to the dark side!!
  15. Congrats on the PG, A7! The PG's are fun builds. This past week I just finished my 2nd PG Build, the Unicorn and I had a blast building it. My next build is the RG Destiny Freedom as I will use it to learn how to air brush. Building these kits has become my newfound toy addiction.
  16. A lot of the reviewers that I trust are saying it's not a great film, but I plan to see it nonetheless. I'm a ginormous X-men fan and have seen all the others at the Cinema and plan to do so with this one as well. Going forward, I would like to see another director craft their vision of the franchise starting with the new students( Jean, Scott, Nightcrawler, etc). I think bringing new life into a franchise isn't a bad thing as what the Russo bros were able to do with all of the toys left behind by Joss Whedon. Just my .02 before seeing this film in theater.
  17. Not a bad idea, I could also see them throwing in either the Furies or Kalibak as well. Geoff Johns was assigned to a role similar to Kevin Feige along with another producer to handle the DC cinematic universe.
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