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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Can't wait for the PO!!
  2. Hello Derek, mine had the orange plugs. The cap in Megatron was very loose, it just falls out so no tools needed. The plug in the silencer is another story. I have a parts separator for model kits that I used to remove it. I did scratch it a little as I tried to use a pair of plyers first. The Part separator worked really well.
  3. Great scores fellas! The F91 looks so Boss! I pray Arcadia revisits the VE-1.
  4. Received my copy of MP Megatron from HLJ and I have to say Takara nailed it!! I haven't transformed him yet, but the bot mode is easily the best version of the character to date. I also have Appolyon and there is no comparison between the two. The only thing Appolyon offers over MP-38 is the silver finish, though the gull grey is growing on me. Appolyon was a great Placeholder in my collection until Takara revisited their take on the character. The articulation on the figure is impressive. Takara continues with the trend of increased articulation and I love it. MP-38 makes the articulation of MP-10 look dated! This figure is a must own for any fan of the MP line.
  5. My only gripe is that the Marvel trailers tend to give away too much of the film. This trailer continues that trend.
  6. The MSG weapons are awesome. A few of my frame arms girls are sporting extra weapons thanks to the MSG line. They look really good once painted.
  7. Damn I can't wait!! I wonder if the deacon will square off against the Xenomorph.
  8. Cart jacked at NY as well. I'm done for the night.
  9. I saw it last night as well. If you are a fan of the property there are a ton of references to the movies, manga and series.
  10. I would do as chronocidal suggest and make a replacement piece. I did that an number of years back for the V1 YF-19 using plastic from a black enamel spray can cap. I believe someone on the forums had uploaded a scan for the dimensions of the piece and you simply had to print out the template and cut. Should be pretty easy to pull off.
  11. It includes a diagram of the RX-78,LED unit and a Zeon mobile suit genealogy tree.
  12. I think the Providence is going to be a great kit. I bought the premium version. I wanted the water slides and the zaft stand.
  13. Hopefully there will be plenty of MG and PG's on sale.
  14. This was a great film all around, I can't give it enough praise. Easily the best film made involving comic book characters. Very Neo Western. Great send off for Mr. Jackman!
  15. Looks good to me. I can't to see this. I love how the trailer gets darker and darker as it progresses.
  16. I have the Marvel Select Colossus and, your right he's perfect for the 6' figures. Ditto for the MS Juggernaut. Same too Sh9000. I want updated versions of all of the X-men. I would be awesome to have a full set of the 90's X-men blue and gold Teams display.
  17. Thanks No3ljm That did the trick!! The instructions manual isn't very clear. So far loving the armor. It's definitely the beefiest looking mech with the exception of the 1/48 armor.
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