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Everything posted by Max_Jenius

  1. Id name mine after the three musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.
  2. So did we ever figure out if the "eye" they showed before Alto's valk first went powerless was the queen Vajra or something else? It seemed as if whatever it was, was under water.
  3. I dont think that Grace is dead. Maybe that form or body was destroyed. If I recall, right before she detonates the "bomb" she contacts Brera and tells him shes about to blow the place up, to leave, and that she will contact him later. Whoever Grace really is, shes not dead or gone from the big picture at all.
  4. I definitely notice that shot of Sheryl and thought what the hell?
  5. Just watched the second episode and must say that I loved it. The action scenes and the character interaction was all there. Also, the flow of the episode was a step above the broadcast version of ep. 1. I also agree that the episdoes never seem long enough. Then again, I think this for most anime television episodes. They always get you really hooked and then BAM!! The end of the episode. Ah well, guess I gotta be patient and wait for ep. 3.
  6. Agreed. I really like the intro song since the first time I heard it in the DE, but I would have preferred if they had stuck with Minmei's song for the ending. The ending song they chose is meh and doesnt really fit the show IMO.
  7. Ok, so Ive just watched the broadcast version and I have to agree with alot of others. I love the new stuff they added in, but I hate the pacing and the edits. It makes some of the scenes not make sense and the story doesnt seem as fleshed out as much as it was in the DE version. I am still looking forward to episode 2 and hope it is more in line with what we saw back in December.
  8. Oh boy, this bad boy comes out just in time for my birthday. Im picking this and the YF-19 FP as gifts to myself. Guess I will give my "old" YF-21 to my little brother. Now all I need are Macross 7 valks in 1/60 and I'd be a very happy man indeed.
  9. If Bandai can produce a Valk with the same quality and price (or lower) than Yamato's Valks, then Im all game for it. I guess we will have to wait and see what comes of it. I cant wait to get my hands on a VF-25 with full armor.
  10. I found this really funny... Does that make me an über geek?? I actually found this funny too. Maybe we're both geeks.
  11. Where can I find this set? I want, I want, I want!!
  12. Great work on all three. Keep us posted with the pics of those fast packs.
  13. Macross and Lego sound like a match made in heaven. Too bad we'll probably never see officially licensed models for sale.
  14. Thsi figure looks like its going to be my new favorite. Can't wait until they're released.
  15. I want Max and Miria colored Q-Raus from DYRL. That'd be Saweet!!
  16. I'd take my addiction of valks over drugs or alcohol anyday. It's much healthier and a lot cheaper.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately, it didn't help. I'm pretty pissed the more I think about it. It also has some other quality issues, such as a loose head, chipping paint, and some scratches. Never bought a Yammie with QC problems until now. Guess I just lucked out before but this bothers me.
  18. Mac 7 really does get better the further into the series you go. The first few episodes just serve the purpose of introducing the series and characters. Once the main plot gets going, its a really good series IMO. You just gotta give it a chance. When I first saw the series years ago, I liked it regardless because of the true Macross fan that I am. For those out there with doubts, I say just watch it at least half way through, and then say whether or not you think it sucks. ON another note, I didn't like the fact that Max and Miria were seperated, but it was still nice seeing them fight side by side again in the series.
  19. Oh Well, since the VE-1's battroid mode never got any screen time, and I don't really like the way it looks, I guess I'll just keep it in fighter and gerwalk mode when I play, er... I mean display it.
  20. Well, I got a problem. I just got my VT-1 today and the damn chest plate won't frickin' slide down so that I can trasform it to battroid mode. I tried forcing it a little, but I'm affraid that I'll break it if I try any harder. Anyone else have this problem and/or have a suggestion on how to fix it?
  21. I too would like a Mac Zero TIAS book. Oh yeah, and toys too, can't forget about the toys.
  22. Ah, the things that we did as kids.
  23. Damn, can't pick my favorite. I voted for M+ as it was the first real Macross that I'd seen, not including Robyteck which I'd seen as a kid. I'm really a big fan of all the Macross series though.
  24. I also really liked the paint scheme of D's custom valk with the fast pack set and of Jung's cannon fodder VF-1A. Great job on both.
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