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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. More Polecat News It is indeed a flying wing, but not a very big one.
  2. So I was surfing the net at work and came across a very interseting site http://www.flugwerk.de Sorry if it has been posted before. As for the B-2 I live near TMS and saw the flyover form my back porch for last falls Nascar race, impresive aircraft to see in the air; and damn quite.
  3. Here's something form teh jumpdrive
  4. Hello again, this is the original BigDMAcross (damn lost enail addy) with some stuff I've been fiddilin' with lately. First up, a gift to my son (who's played his first year of tball last spring) bettcha can't quess what team he played for.
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