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Everything posted by zogozzo

  1. Dang...can't delete unnecessary window!
  2. So are you, it seems. Won't shoot your sacred cows if you stay away from mine, deal? I figured the reverb is what a Zentradi voice would sound to Terran ears. When speaking to each other, they would sound normal. We'll see what the future holds, in any case. I noticed in Macross 7 they changed the reverb effect, and dropped it entirely from Emilia's voice in the move. In Macross 7, Exedor switches between Zentradi and Terran while keeping the echo. Of course, the echo is mostly present in the Japanese audio in the TV series and the feature. Bottom line: Shoot me, please. I'm going to try to work up the courage to finish off the rest of the content... I'm glad Harmony Gold released Macross in the US as Robotech. Carl Macek's staff did a fairly decent job in producing an internationally-friendly version of this show, and it's sad to see more studios don't follow that example.
  3. No, not paid to muck it up, just encouraged not to use certain pronunciations or Romanisations to differentiate the titles. Foolish, in my opinion. It's like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In reply to JHO, I submit that Zentradi speaking to each other would understand each other clearly, and since the audience is also supposed to follow their conversation clearly, using an alien language in all-Zentradi scenes could hamper the storytelling. Zentradi would be perfect for the interrogation, as well as the echo. Have you managed to see those episodes from this release yet? Sticking with Sammy (which is from the US...maybe.). Also fond of "Reflex" over "Reaction". Just a heads-up. Ahh..I was not aware of the international friction. Oh, well. Looks like another decade or more of waiting... Who would have thought ten years ago it would be easier to see Gundam than it is to see Macross?
  4. I was under the impression I could combine this release with my AnimEigo DVDs into one SUPER DVD SET. However, the way they broke the series up in the ADV release makes that rather difficult. If I was the sort that believes in draconian conspiracies, I'd say the mispronounciations might be an intentional attempt to seperate the Macross dud (er...dub) from the work done on Robotech, as well as from AnimEigo's efforts. I find Mari Iijima's presence intriguing in this voice cast. Like most everybody else on this thread, I would have perferred a more laconic Roy and Misa, at least. I also would have also dropped "sempai" from the dub, and from any other Macross dubs. I can understand why they took the echo out of the Zentradi voice, particularly if they're considering releasing more Macross titles. If I'm right, that booming echo will re-appear during the abduction and interrogation scenes. A Zentradi would sound normal speaking to himself and other Zentradi after all... I was hoping for a deeper voice for Britai. Claudia and Vanessa are perfect, Sammy (I don't like and will never advocate "shammy") needs to be toned down some. I was wondering if they would use the voice from Nadia's Captain Nemo for Captain Gloval (I'm not quite certain if they did or not). I was also hoping for more of an accent on Hikaru. He's supposed to be kind of a rube, I thought. I think Pierce Brosnan would make a good Max, or anyone with a decent English accent. How's that for "never gonna happen"? If they were going to beef up the sound FX, they COULD have used the material from Macross Plus and Zero. The transformation effect would have been very nice, for instance. Oh, well. Hopefully, they'll reign it in a bit for further releases, and maybe, you know, for a shocker, get around to releasing the rest of the non-dubbed Macross titles. Maybe Macross Zero or the Macross movie around Christmas 06?
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