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Fear the Fokker

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Everything posted by Fear the Fokker

  1. I could take pics of my joon's if that would help. 360376[/snapback] Hey. Thanks for the offer kanata67. That's really cool of you and I apreciate that. I want to make a valk that was in the TV series, not just another scheme. I don't know what it is, but I prefer making something that I actually saw in the show. I don't know. I guess I'm just weird like that. Thanks again though.
  2. I just wished I had more pictures of the green valk so that I can start working on a custom. I'd also like to know more about it. I guess it's just that we are so used to the variations that get so much screen time, we forget about the ones that only get a little time. But that's not the case with the ostrich or elint. I'm just surprised that these green valks aren't talked about as much.
  3. You've got a good point there. It would be nice if there was actually that color scheme in the series. That would mean more VF-1's and more toys!
  4. Anyone here have any idea of where that Joons paint scheme came from? I'm curious myself. I remember reading in one of the very old posts that someone refered to this scheme as Green Arrow or something like that.
  5. I think you hit the nail on the head Kanata67. I know that I've seen that somewhere in the TV series whether it was Robotech or Macross. I've seen something similar or identical to the Joons green valk. I just can't figure out if it's that one or the vermillion team posted by ghostryder.
  6. Thanks Ghostryder. That's probably it. Although, I swore that there was a 1J or 1A I saw with the Cannon Fodder paint scheme, but green instead of the brown.
  7. Try this... http://www.nona.dti.ne.jp/~hzn/model/vf-1a.html 359663[/snapback] Thanks for the link. But that's not it. This thing is almost completely green.
  8. Hey thanks for the welcome and the info. And you are totally right about the paint scheme. I know that it only was on screen for a few seconds, but hey, it's another paint scheme. If only I knew the exact name of the episode or had a picture, I could sleep easy. Just kidding. Thanks and any more replies are more than welcome
  9. Thanks for the reply Jenius. I haven't watched the episodes in a couple of years, so I don't quite know exactly where that may be. Your response helps though.
  10. Thanks for answering azrael. The one I'm talking about is in one of the episodes, and is fully green just the way the cannon fodder is fully brown. I'm trying to find out which episode its in, the name, and which version VF-1 it is. Any idea?
  11. Hey everybody. I've been a long time lurker, and decided to register today. It seems like fun to post and get interaction with everyone, so I thought I would give it a shot. Any way, my question was if anyone knows of a green VF-1 Valk? I remember seeing it in one of the episodes but don't know which one exactly. I don't remember if it's a VF-1A or 1J. Anyone know?
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