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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Does anyone know any more info on the missing trains? I herd they found one of four. All passenger deceased.
  2. Thats somewhat good news. I hope there able to get the cooling system running.
  3. I'm just saying thank god all of you are okay.
  4. You should always back up on you pc. I learned the hard way when my MUF save file corrupted.
  5. Well I already worked out a ending in my head that incorporates the t.v series and movie ending, to make me happy, if it does turn out to be like M+. But I feel the t.v series would be cannon, since it was....well...a 25 episode series.
  6. So is the MF movies and tv series, going to be like the M+ movie and OVA? Where I can choose either one that I like more. Or just what I currently do with them and mish mash them together to make the best version of M+ in my head. Or will they be like DYRL. Where it's just a movie in within the tv series retelling the Vajra war?
  7. It never popped up for me, until I passed all campaigns, then when it did, it was 28000 nyan nyan points.
  8. I'm all for more Mylene, Max, Millia, Emillia, and Gamlin.
  9. Well then. I better keep get going. I'm barly on the SDFM era. Been playing the academy mode all this time. Thanks for the help Keith.
  10. Level 30 shop. No era unlocker yet. Do I have to pass the game once to get it?
  11. I'v gotten my shop level to 29 (plan on getting it up to 30 today). And so far there remains 2 empty spots. Does anyone know what they are?
  12. Okay...This game is way easier to get Nyan Nyan points then the last 2. I'v just been playing academy mode mostly and I already have over 750,000 points. Does anybody know if you can over 999,999, or is that the top off?
  13. I think I got that one too. In the Academy mode when I played through my fourth time IIRC.Klan was in chibi mode in her red VF25, and Michel in his blue.Sniped Battle Galaxy, while I was pummleing away on it with my gunpod. I'll be on the look out, to confirm.
  14. I also noticed that you can luanch missles while changing modes. Before, if you locked on in Ultimate and transformed your lock ons were disabled and you had to relock on. Now in triangle you can lock on transform and and let them rip. I'm loving it. Oh and for help on the dating try this site: Strategy Summary MACROSS TRIANGLE FRONTIER
  15. Well thats just wizard. Don't "accidently" ban me Graham. Any idea on how to get the command skills? I want last supper, but can't find it in the academy mode. And how do I get more command and skill options for my pilots in the main game?
  16. If you play through the academy mode of the game, you can actually get a whole mess of Nyan Nyan points. I'v played through the academy mode 4 times and have almost 300,000 nyan nyan points. This is going to make leveling up the shop and unlocking the specials easy.
  17. Here's what I did. During my first run through I choose the second option for my school course, and dated Klan, and choose her whenever she pop up on the options for school classes and dates, and I always choose the ex-options during the trainings. When Ozma came along I would choose the top option. I eventually became a S.M.S pilot. The second time I choose the third option for my school course. And dated Nanase and Miyuki. I choose classes with the blond haired male and female instructors, as well as Miyuki and Nanase. I would also choose the ex option during trainings and a few times the top option during trainings (like 3-4 times total).I would choose the bottom option with Ozma (which looked like it pissed him off). Eventually I ended up as a N.U.Ns pilot. The third time I choose the second option for my school course, and dated the purple haired girl, Miyuki, and the the purple haired loli, Pinon. I hardly ever picked the EX classes, and I purposely failed any ex-class courses by ending it without doing what I was supposed to, or letting time run out. I also choose the bottom option with Ozma . I eventually became a civilian. After that I then started a new character to try and get the omake road option. I choose the last class course again. Ran through the courses as normal and fast, and dated no one. Then around month 1 2058 IIRC, you go to the Shibuya again IIRC, and will hear Sheryl's Iteza gogo dont be late. Choosed the top option, and Sheryl came to the academy earlier. You can then date her and max her hearts out. There is no Vajra attacks during this event so far (I'm still playing throught it). Eventually you get offered a choice to choose to be S.M.S, N.U.Ns, or civilian. Hope that helps some of you out. Oh and a new password is out: NEBHI
  18. When is your's comming Keith?
  19. FINALLY!!!! Now if only my game will come soon. I heard your stats don't level up anymore, unless you play the academy sim.
  20. Oh my god. You r so lucky. My order shipped out I'll get thursday, but I want it now!!! So how is it Graham!!!???
  21. I remember that movie. I liked Unico more.
  22. Just finished watching Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari. I liked it, but it felt too short to me.I'm hoping for a second season. I love the Tenchi Muyo OVA's, and want to see what happens to Tenchi's little brother.
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