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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Checked firmware, cleaned laser. Still have the problem. Seems like am the only one so far as I can tell. having issues with the bluray playing on there PS3.
  2. Eh. A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
  3. Returned my old copy got a new one. Still have to fiddle with it to get it to work. Other blu-rays play fine. Just this one. Anyone out there have any ideas?
  4. Keep dreaming for a HD remaster. It looks about the same as the Laserdisc to DVD bootleg rip thats out there,imho. The audio drops here and there(more so at the end when Minmay sings Angel's Paint. For the subs....I'll be honest. Too me the subtitles are okay. Translation wise, they are close to the english dialogue spoken. But there kinda ugly. White and hard to read in some areas. It also has spanish subs too. I'll post some screen caps from the dvd.
  5. The english dub is now on the bootleg fx version of DYRL perfect edition. I know for a fact, because I bought one 2 weeks ago and watched it. "The females must not penetrate!"
  6. I always felt he didn't rape her at all. It looks like he went into a jealous rage from seeing Myung preferring Isamu over him, and then made it out that it was all Isamu's fault.
  7. Someone's been watching Monster Squad reccently.
  8. Quick question. Is anyone having trouble playing the bluray on there PS3? It wont load on mine, unless I fiddle with it, then the audio skips at times.
  9. Time to get another one. I'm still soo addicted to this game.
  10. Oh man... I bet SMS got a lot more trouble then they bargined for.
  11. I'v been frustrated with the Macross II extra mission, where you fight Ingues. Still can't SS it, and it's the only one I need a SS on.
  12. Yeah..... Did that to, no dice. So far I have SS'ed every mission in the game, except that one. Any other info you can give?
  13. New password out: EXTRA MISSON Rainbow-colored [rondo YMSWV 'Am having trouble with that one too. I SS all the extra mission except that one. I beat it fast,slow,melee and still can only get a S.
  14. In other words, don't get my hopes up.
  15. I have a quick question. What are the chances of a US release of Macross Plus and Macross II on blu-ray? I mean we have the dvds here already so wouldn't that make the blu-rays a given?
  16. Thank you Seto. I was just curious. To me the newer VF-171 look like they underperformed in most of MF compared to the VF-17 from M7.But too, I guess it has alot to do with the story. And speaking of engines. Whats the difference between the older thermo engines and the newer ones (are they called stage 2?)?
  17. I was wondering. Since the VF-171 is an improvment over the old VF-17 Nightmare. And the VF-171 is also more simplefied to allow lesser skilled pilots to fly it compared to the VF-17. Do these improvments make it better then original VF-17, which only very skilled pilots could fly? From what I saw in MF, the VF-171 were nothing more then cannon fodder, and I couldn't help but think the original VF-17, although outdated by the newer improved VF-171, would have fared much better. I would also think pilot performance would count too. So, persay; if someone like Gamlin were piloting a VF-171. Would it's performance exceed that of old VF-17?
  18. Are you well stocked on food and water? Or anyone else for that matter. It looks bad from the news reports I'v seen on the shortage of supplies.
  19. Overall, how is it in your part Gubaba? And do what you got to do to be safe.
  20. I wish I was, and I hope am wrong. One of Four Missing Trains Found pic of found train 2 more pics of found train
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