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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. "Please turn off your cameras. We don't want any second hand versions appearing on the web." Well if that isn't Robotech's life story in a nutshell. :lol:
  2. Man, I also bought the first MF movie for Trial Frontier, two of them, to have one to collect also. Man, being a Macross fan is raping my wallet.
  3. Waiting for payday to order the special edition blu-ray. God I'am going to be so broke.
  4. Because, Thundercats have a more competent staff then HG.
  5. Thats cool. I bought 2 of them. One to open and one to collect.
  6. Hence, the "not all".
  7. I'v come to the conclusion, most RT fans(not all)are mentally ill.
  8. I'v come to the conclusion. It's all about boobs with you.
  9. Gubaba, what the hell do you type in your search field on youtube!? :lol:
  10. Still no luck. I will keep on trying with that strategy. Thanks for the help Keith.
  11. Still haven't gotten a SS on that damn Macross II extra mission!!! Help someone please.
  12. Does anyone know when Final Fantasy VI will be released on PSN. Europe already has it, and I'm close to making a a European account to get it, if the U.S store doesn't get it soon.
  13. I'm listening to it right now, and it sound good to me Renato. Love it so far. When will you guys be doing another one?
  14. Well I changed all my passwords to my email,ebay,amazon ect to be safe and called my bank to keep an eye out on my account. Hopefully, noting more will be needed. Wouldn't be the first time my card info was stolen.
  15. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/4/25/ I would just post the comic, but there's some strong language in it, and I don't want to anger the powers the be.
  16. I can see it being hard for M7,MF and DYRL, but even M0 and M+?
  17. Try this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb5Gs1smNHc
  18. I think, well for me at lest...Is I want proper US or english subbed dvd and Bluray releases of M+,M7,M0,DYRL,MF and so on.
  19. I liked it, but it reminded me of Digimon Our War Game. Loved the music, and like the song from the english trailer.
  20. Wha!? Rest in peace. You will be missed.
  21. You know in all honestly. I prefer the the copy I have, that Hurin, Ali Sama and MechaManiac did. Great subs, great quality. The dubb version to me is when I'm feeling nostalgic.
  22. When I put the disc in, my PS3 tries to read it, but it just spins ans stops, and doesnt load. I have to eject and load, eject ,load, eject load, before the PS3 finly reads it and put it icon on the XMB bar for me to choose it. The extras play fine so far, just the movie skips. However after cleaning the laser though, the disc no longer skips when playing. But the disc makes a loud whillring noise, and the laser clicks to, before it starts to play it.
  23. I dont think it's a bad batch. I got a 3rd copy from Amazon, and guess what? Same thing. ::sigh:: But, hell. Lets contact Funimation anyways.
  24. Nope. Oh well. I'll just buy the dvd version. I swear. If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck.
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