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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. You know me!! B) Vostok 7 I'v heard stories from Abombz!
  2. We can't blame you. Who doesn't like to stare at the lovely Millia? ^_~ Be careful Vostok might disseminate it.
  3. I think I'v seen this anime too, but I don't remember the name eithere. Sorry.
  4. I like the teddy bear and morticycle idea one More. On a unrelated topic. I can't seem to stop staring at MilliaJenius03 avatar.
  5. ...welcome to the club. Just remember I'm the master Millia lover. All pictures of her defer to me first, then I disseminate them when I'm done. Vostok 7 Thats more then I ever wanted to know Vostok.
  6. Pencil sketches will always be the truest form of ultimate test for anyone's drawing skill. It doesn't matter if the work is a new image or copied - because the idea is to capture your idea or subject as accurately as possible, with very minimal room for mistakes. Of all the mediums out there, I struggle with raw pencil and paper sketches the most - especially when drawing human figures. I can see you really did struggle to get it right... Although there are some loose ends you can tie up in the picture... Kudos! It's a good job nontheless. Please keep drawing. Thanks Bob. It's like I said.It was my very first attempt at a Macross character drawing. my second was Ishtar. Now that I look back at them all I see is where I screwed up.
  7. I'v never posted my art here before.So I figured I'd do it today. I know it's not the greastest looking pic, but it was the first Macross one I ever drew back in '96.
  8. I liked "The Box from Metal Gear Solid" one. That was ingenious!
  9. I'd want one too, but a Macross Pluse suit, helmet and all. B)
  10. I heard something on my cd. It goes.."Can you feel my lips around your rock hard C&%K?" then goes "Mmmmm, very nice" I thought I was imagining it, but yeah it's there.
  11. Keeping it real... B) And still trolling.
  12. Sorry about your car Vostok.
  13. That was season 2 Tekkaman Blade. personally I liked season more. Season 2 they pussiefed Angemon and many of the first season digimon.But 2 was good in it's own rights i liked there 4th movie based on season 2. On a sidenote, Patamon kicks all ass!
  14. All I see are some sexy red x's.
  15. I liked digimon, and still do. As for the art the only thing I know of is just the art and production books. You can find them at http://www.animebooks.com/digimon1.html
  16. Hey UN Spacy, do you know any place where I find some Emillia pics? What kind of picture do you want? I can screen cap. Anyones. I can't seem to find many out there. On a side note how do you screen cap? I have the M7 movie on vcd, but i don't know how to screen cap.
  17. Sorry, unless I can get some screencaps from The Galaxy Is Calling Me. Or a lineart book for Macross 7, then I don't know too many sites featuing Emillia pics. :tear:
  18. Hey UN Spacy, do you know any place where I find some Emillia pics?
  19. Sticks head next to facehugger pod "TAKE ME NOW!! C'MON! DO IT!!" *pod quivers abit and.........goes back to sleep* "STUPID PIECE OF XENOMORPH TRASH!!" LMAO
  20. That's what I thought!! Is it just me, or does that one Invid have boobies? <_< Vostok 7 Oh jesus christ. Now thats an image I wont be forgetting to soon. Thank you Vostok. <_<
  21. Maybe the Energon Prime is Optimus Prime and Rainbow Bright's bastard child?
  22. Sorry about that. I will next time.
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