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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. LOL. I don't care. I like MM legends. Thats just what I like. Thats me.
  2. I always liked MM and i thought Mm legends were good games. I liked the direction they took. But then again thats just me.
  3. Looks good
  4. <_< You gotta give me more credit than that, y0. Vostok 7 Yeah your right. I'm sorry vos.
  5. Indeed! But dude, she's 14! Vostok 7 Like that would stop you!
  6. Oh. Keith, when you hear more about this, please p.m me.
  7. Well it's not Millia, but herers her duaghter Click me gently
  8. I thought the Miss Macross 7 book was going to show pics of all the M7 women, not just Mylene, when I got it.
  9. Hmmm........My Hikaru 1/60 still feels good to me.Nothing seems loose.
  10. Oh, man. I can't beleive this. I used to watch 3'company when I was younger and watched his new show too. Man I can't beleve he died.This sucks. Man. RIP John Ritter. I'll always remember how much you made me laugh.
  11. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  12. I like them both. Only when there used the right way, and not the half assed way... :cough:mpc:cough:
  13. Well, it looks like I finally found what I am going to dress as this Halloween. Glade to help.
  14. Well, she has two albums. The first one was released in 93/94 and is called The Divine Comedy, and is fantastic (in my most humble of opinions of course). Hard to describe, but there's a lot of different instruments used and a very 'earthy' and sort or renniasance vibe to it. MTV used to play her video for "The Gentleman Who Fell" all the time, primarily because she's, well, nude throughout it. You should be able to find the CD in most music stores or online at Amazon and the like. Her second album is called The Peopletree Sessions and is more electronic based and somewhat experimental. It's good, but totally different from her first. She was in a band for a year or two called "Plastic Has Memory" who never released anything but it's easy to find live recordings online. Kind of spacy etherial rock. She has a new band now but they just started playing together so there isn't a name or recordings or anything like that yet. Oh, she also has a new song on the Underworld soundtrack, but I haven't heard it yet. Thanks! I'll definitly check out her albums. Like I said I love Millia eversince 5th element, and her "Big, big,Bada-boooom!!!"
  15. LOL. When you say surprise sex it doesn't sound as bad as it really is.
  16. The song "Dradle Dradle" comes to mind.
  17. Man I'm having TF movie flashbacks. Good job. I think I'm going to look at the movie for old times sake now.
  18. I have a feeling this batman movie is still going to suck.
  19. I see now. My bad. I'm sorry. Thank you ewilen and Gubaba.
  20. I always thought the Supervision Army and Vartu were the same.
  21. ... I felt the same way, but if you see American Psycho, you will realize that Christian is one of the greatest actors of our time. I'll have to check it out. But I'm skeptical.After Batman returns, all the others were just gay. <_<
  22. Someone actually listens to that stuff??? (j/k) I'm a Milla fan - but I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with her music. Dude I love Millia eversense the 5th element.Where can I find her songs and what are some good ones!!!
  23. I just don't see why it's worth that much. Seems like a rip to me. <_
  24. I think they should have quit making Batman movies after the secode one.
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