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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I just hope I can get my hands on the LE box with no monkey business from Nippon-Yasan. It's been nice having a PS3 that lets me enjoy Macross with no modding to change the region codes, like I used to do for my dvd players, plus the psp games, and the LE box set for MF.....Damn it's good to be Macross fan right now.
  2. Just pre-ordered the limited box set at Nippon-Yasan.com, for $202.00. This is the first time I ever ordered from them. How good are they when it comes to oversea orders to the US and package handling? I dont want to be broken hearted when I get an e-mail saying that they can't process my order due to lack of stock. Or get my order and the box is all banged up....Or not get my order at all. Son-of-a......
  3. It's a trap. And we need more pictures of loli Sheryl.
  4. Could you be so kind and point me to the right direction of those pics azrael? I don't think I've ever come across them that I can recall. And wouldn't there still be hardly any room for the magazines when the arms fold under the shield, for both the 11 and 19?
  5. I wish I was that vial right about now.....
  6. Whooooooo. Passed my NCLE, next up....My ABO!!!

  7. Then why have I never heard of her!!!?? Anyways. I was watching Macross Plus again, and was watching the part where Isamu was hiding behind a building and reloading his gunpod. Now I know that The VF-11 and 19 supposedly carry an extra magazine or two for thier gunpods, behind there arm shield, but has there ever been any official art depicting it? Looking at the transformation art, and watching Macross 7, and checking out my Yamato's....How is it possible for there to be any extra mags, without it interfering with the Valkyries transformation. Or as usual I'm over thinking, and it's just animation magic?
  8. I still dont get the pony thing,
  9. Why are there so many Gubaba's in the To Love -Ru manga?
  10. You just read them for the great stories right?
  11. What about the Holograms!?
  12. You know. I got the soundtrack and heard the music before I saw the movie, and I liked them. After seeing the movie I loved them even more. My favorites being Open Ranka, Sayonara no Tsubasa the end of triangle, and Nyan Nyan Final Attack Frontier. I'm not saying that we were brain washed, but had more songs in the t.v series run, compared to the movie. TV series we had Welcome to my Fan Club, Oboeteimasuka Deculture Edition, Don't be late, Aimo, Anata no Oto ,Nyan Nyan service Melody,Yousei, Diamond Crevasse, Ao no Ether, Northern Cross, Lion , What 'bout my Star, Triangle and not to mention some of the BGM. So I'm saying we had more songs in the t.v series to fall in love with compared to movies. Not that I didn't fall in love with the songs from both movies.
  13. WOG, reminds me of my viewing of DYRL. You can watch them without having seeing the t.v series beforehand, but it's better if you watched it prior. I loved WOG more so then False Songtress. I also liked the music alot (Open Ranka being my favorite), I just wish there was more. I can see why alot of people are saying they liked the music from the t.v series more. We had 25 episodes worth of music, compare that to a almost 2 hour movie.
  14. I agree with Gubaba. I loved the movie. And Gubaba, how many of those sobbing Japanese high-schoolers did you try to comfort?
  15. Thanks both of you. I download and trying it out. I need a new encoder since the last few updates of my Imtoo video converter, no longer supports custom subs.
  16. Excellent job Tobi. By the what program did you use to hard encode the subtitles. I tried using handbrake, but I notice it sometmes skips certian subtitles at certain times.
  17. Maybe he just likes you Gubaba. You do have that winning personality! It's kinda funny, now that I think about it. You, Seto and Jasonc seem to all have your own little crazy "fans", that are obsessed with you guys ( I think Seto wins, as having thee most, Jasonc the one most craziest of all, and with you, the ones that are most obsessed). More likely, he's just a hypocrite, and realized, that even with all his bitching and moaning of how "bad" it's supposedly is here. MW is still one the best Macross forums. I mean, where else can he really go? RT.com? .... (Yeah I couldn't keep a straight face while I typed that too.)
  18. I actually used Matroska Demux Tool and mkvmerge GUI to take out the subs on there MKV video and add my own. Also if you have a raw you can use the mkvmerge to add these subs, with the fronts I included.
  19. I did the same. I fixed the reaction missiles, Rankas Lala to rirameru rarameru ran rura ran,Griffith park as well the "Delta 1 to Skull 1",also tried to fix some spelling errors and what not. I also included the fronts with the zip MacrossFrontier Movie - Sayonara No Tsubasa Version 2.ass.zip
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