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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. God. I want to kill the person who thought that would make a good comercial! <_
  2. Damn. That ting looks goood!
  3. And the Metal Siren. I refuse to acknowledge that abomination's existence ! Oh come on now! M2 wasn't that bad. Yeah. Everyone focuses on the negative. No one likes to mention the good points like the... Umm, that... Errr, those... Well, Ishtar was hot! And....hmmm.... So were the other emulators.
  4. It...looks like... Yoda on Crack....
  5. Hmmm... I would say: -Anime -drawing -games ..... I'l get back to this later....
  6. Oh jeez. He looks like david Bowie.
  7. As do I Zeta, as do I. And depending were you live you also get the joy of drive by's!Ain't that just a cool bonus??? Be careful Noriko. I hope you and Mechamaniac stay safe.
  8. Don't forget a cg smart ass annoying paroit ,Polly vocied by non other then.....Gilbert Gotfree!
  9. Word. B) But yeah, Paul Anderson isn't in any way attached to this one, is he? If not, then there's a slim hope that it won't suck. Especially if there's another excuse for Millia to shower again. Or that scene at the end were she falls off the medical chair.
  10. Hey Graham have you checked out Unearthed films? they have some pretty good zombie movies there. Like JUNK. Unearthed Films
  11. Totally agree ! The first one just took the "survivor-horror" idea of the games. Let's hope that the second will do better. Pfffff. Millia was the only reason I wanted /wentto see the first one. Like I said. I fell in love with her at "Big ba-da-booom" and "Multi-pass".
  12. How about Jackie Chan as "Kwick Kick" and Bruce Campbell as 'Ship Wreck"?
  13. Damn that looks nice. I like the detail of Milla's Valk.The shading also looks good too!
  14. I like it!
  15. No, Millia. My internet wasn't working for a few hours... you know something I don't know? Vostok 7 No I don't Vostok. Sorry. My connection wasn't working earlier too. I kept getting "cannot find server".
  16. Who? Abombz, Vostok?
  17. Hmmmmmmmmm....... Now thats something to think about. <_<
  18. I'm just surprised it took Marvel this long to ripoff....I mean have the design be heavily influenced by Evangelion Unit 02.
  19. She's the attendent.
  20. Still looks good milty.
  21. Looks good for only a 40 min. job.
  22. Uhhhhhh....I know. which is why I said "Well it's not Millia, but heres her duaghter". I haven't done a Millia pic yet. But I probly will soon though.
  23. From what I'v read. This series was the first to do a lot of those groundbreaking things, which are now very,very overused today. But then again I don't know how reliable the source was. I like Eva. I think it's good. A bit over hyped, like a few other anime's out there. But still good non the less.
  24. Nobody said that. Because you like a bad Megaman... might as well make you the best fan here. Ai. You just have a way with words.
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