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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. D'oh! How could I forget to NOT post a picture of the yummy Milla (a.k.a Alice) from RE2. Mmmmmm...Millia
  2. You think I'm arrogant? Haha! That's funny. Vostok 7 LMAO!! Trust me Vos is not arrogant.
  3. Let me tell you something buddy... You won't find "The One" by sitting here arguing with people who know better than you on a message board. Vostok 7 Listen to Vos. He speaks the wisdom..... ...which is kinda errie....
  4. Eeek! Run!! Vostok 7 Yeah.Run Vos!!! Your the one that'll most likly get the cattle prod. Isn't this how the last thread got locked. With a bunch of bzzaps! ands and thwacks and This thread is already 2 pages over due. Your only saying that because you hate Mylene with a passion, and what to kill her.
  5. Yeah. I don't want this thread locked now.
  6. Eeek! Run!! Vostok 7 Yeah.Run Vos!!! Your the one that'll most likly get the cattle prod.
  7. I ask myself that same question....
  8. Methinks Abombz needs glasses Vostok 7 Becarful vostok......
  9. Hey BoB you forgot my other fetish..... EMILLIA!
  10. Dominion Tank Police.
  11. LMFAO!!!! On a side note. That key looks awfully supicous.... <_<
  12. I never noticed one.
  13. Whoa! Calm down there. As for ChronoCross, I like the radical punks remix, opean it up, and Another Inspiration OC ReMix.
  14. Ah. Overcloacked.It's a good site, lots of good Zelda and FF remixs there.I download from them every so often.
  15. That someone should lose some weight. Me thinky I'll stay out of this one, for my own good.
  16. Well they say you can tell alot from a person by look in there eyes.
  17. I don't know about having many fetishes... but to like SO MANY qualities in ONE single category ie:- beautiful women, would automatically disqualify me of having a fetishist. The best you can say about me is... unfinicky. In other words, unfinicky men are quite normal. You just have love for all the women huh BoB?
  18. well Vostok, you do seem to have a healthy attraction (or is it unhealthy? ) to Millia.
  19. But those are eyes are quite beutiful. The way they look when the light hits them..... ..... ...... ..... BoB does have a piont now that I think about it....
  20. I'm part mexican..... ... .... like anyone cares.
  21. I just thougt she looked cute in the nurse outfit, and drew her. Of course i spiced it up a little though.
  22. Thats what I want to know!!! She is an android.... shooting her wouldn't do a thing. She probably didn't need air, the Aliens probably didn't want her.... she just went around and opened the door. She is an android after all... you know? Super strength... being able to open doors and all. Thanks. You know I'm slow at picking those things up.
  23. Thats what I want to know!!! <_<
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