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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. That makes no sense to me wrylac.And iit sounds more like your conterdicting yourself, to me.
  2. I'm having doubts about the FFVII Advent thing. I like FFVII alot. But Seperioth looks like a drag queen, and Tid...errrr Cloud looks like a cross between a young Meg Ryan/Meleanie Griffith. <_<
  3. finally, someone else. I am not alone afterall!! Thats funny. I thought I was alone . I also think FFVIII is one of the most underated FF.
  4. Somethings wrong with me. I didn't find any of them funny.
  5. Thanks ewilen. I just hope I can find something to fix this damn problem.
  6. I like VI, but I love VIII.
  7. O.k eriku. I did that.I switched it to the "Obtain DNS..." Thanks for the info and help. Hopefully it will work.I just wonder why all of a sudden I'm getting all these probs. Anubis. I think your right. My house is very old and so's the wiring. Hopefully It's not that that bad. My connections used to work all the time. It's usually when I have the internet provider for more then 3 months, these things happened. I had Netzero for 3 1/2 months when it started acting up. Then I switched to AOL, and that lasted 4 months, then started acting up.Now I 'v had earthlink for about 5 months, it ws't untill 3-4 weeks this started happining. And thanks Hopefully my modem and connections will work. I'm starting to think my computer likes it when talk dirty to it and threaten it.I'm getting ever so close to feeding it to a wood chipper. <_<
  8. I had AOL, and Netzero. My modem problems usual say a "...." occured. I also switch my numbers around periodically. Maybe it's my house's wiring. It's over 60 years old. :Sigh: Thanks for your help kanata67.
  9. I'm not really that good at computers, so I need some help here. I have earthlink dial up service and it seems just recently, started to give me problems. It takes 5 minutes or more for me to connect (used to be less then 2 min before) and thats if I don't get a modem error or the remote computer does not responed. I just want to know whats going on? Is it my modem or is it my provider. It also seems if I get any connection speed under 44.0 Kbps, all my web sites say they cannot find the server. Including this one. Pleas can some one help me?
  10. I really like the ending to Rock & Rule (thank you again kanata67!!!! ).
  11. I'v seen this portale NES, that's about the size of a sega nomad more or less. It's pretty cool.
  12. You know. This reminds me of the time, at RT. they were trying to expalin why Breetai knew that earth had "micronians" befor he got/saw the footage from the scout pods.
  13. hmm...interesting. That last scene, where Ikari Shinji decides that he COULD be happy in a world in which he doesn't pilot EVA, and is congratulated by everyone always seemed to me to indicate that Shinji rejected the idea of giving up his identity. First of all, the whole episode, and Shinji's realization seem to certainly point to this conclusion. Secondly, the congratulations he recieves seems to indicate that his friends/family are proud and/or happy that Shinji managed to come to this (supposedly "correct") conclusion. I'm interested to hear your interpretation. That's the way I saw it as well, or this is the way I see it.... In the series, Shinji chose to stay with Complementation. The last two eps are basically about Shinji;s after death stream of consciousness. He is re-living or re-visiting his life, by himself, with memories of past friends popping in here and there. He is alone in a darkened room, kind of like the classic "On trial for your life" scenario. However, once his decision is made, he is all of the sudden not in the darkened room, but surrounded by all his friends, and he says "I understand!I can exist here!". This happens because he realizes that he has self worth as something OTHER than an Eva pilot, and that he is happy to co-exist with everyone else in Complementation. He is then congratulated for his decision, by friends living and dead, including his Father, who he has been trying to connect with all along. However, the film ends differently. Shinji rejects Complementation and chooses the reality that is the pain of day to day existence. He realizes that he has self worth because of that existence, and basically comes to the realization that Life Sucks - Get a Phuckin Helmet. In short, he matures. The big difference between the series, and the film is that in the Series, EVERYONE is in Complementation, and you don't get the feeling that they have a choice to be there or not be there. In the film, each human that is alive at the time of Complementation gets a choice to stay or to go back to reality. There is some question however as to whether or not Shinji gets to choose for the entire human race at the end of the movie. The only two people you see at the end are Shinji, and Asuka, so it is possible that he chose himself, and Asuka, kind of like an Adam and Eve situation, and they are the beginning of humankind again. Further, the Newtype Filmbook description for the scene states (literally): "Amidst the many words of congratulations, a faint smile starts at the corners ofShinji's mouth (and spreads across his face). A happy face -- that is the figure of the Complemented Shinji. This conclusion is also one form, one possibility among many." Pretty much the same conclusion I got, with a few differences.
  14. from what I remeber. At the end of the t.v seires, Shinji accepts instrumentation. Well in the movie he rejects it. <_<
  15. One of my x-friends had a virtual boy. I played it for hours on end, and never seemed to have had a problem.......But then again I were glasses now.....
  16. edit:never mind
  17. AH! But do you like english dubbed J-pop songs? eyes on me was (FFVIII) an okay song.... *prepares for massive barrage of insults....* err.. Eyes on Me was meant to be an English song... at least the original Faye Wong version is sung in English. In and of itself, taking in the cultural context, FFX-2 has its appeal, at least I liked the opening song... well, I'm an avid J-pop fan If they dare dub it in the American release though........ How was Kingdom Heart's dubbed song? The original Japanese version by Hikaru Utada was quite nice, never got a chance (or the guts :-p) to listen to the English verion. I liked both Hikari and Simple and Clean.For me they were o.k, but I know others would disagree.
  18. I can't wait for Kh2 chain of Memories. Chain of memories is the name of the GBA KH game... the true sequel to the first KH. While KH2 is set after Chain of memories. Thanl you for pointing that out to me Abombz.
  19. I can't wait for Kh2 chain of Memories.
  20. Why the hell did they make cloud look like Tidus?
  21. I'd say the Meltradie would win.They have the Q-Rau, which look and seem to perform much better then anything the males have.
  22. Can you make me one with Millia in it too please? Thankyou. Damn! Hey man if you want it I will tomorow! I am just suggesting that it won't look good! No your right. It would probly look bad.
  23. Can you make me one with Millia in it too please? Thankyou. Damn!
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