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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I don't know if this has been posted already. If it has, then mods please delete/lock. I was looking for some Macross DYRL dvds for a friend, and I stumbled upone this: Animeigo Macross Bootleg So now there bootleging Animeigo?? Pretty bold if you ask me seeing how HG is so protective of there macross SDF license...
  2. I don't think it was ever given a name. Just "The Baby". Great show, though I don't have a clue where to get it now. Maybe kazaa or something? Actually he did get a name. In one episode they took him to a mystic name chooser of sorts, and he gave him the name of The"Baby" Sinclaire. I still remeber the last episode of the show. I was kinda sad when they canned it.
  3. Speaking of "Totsugeki Love Heart". Is there a Mylene only version? I really liked her solo performance more then Basara's.
  4. that would actually be pretty cool... I second that. Oddly as it seems, it does sound cool . i don't know about you, but it seems more intresting then this live action vesion....
  5. DAMN!!!!!Thats looks great!!!!!!
  6. Cuz you're too slow.... Really though? The kits are limited in supply. Small supply = higher price. ::sigh:: I know I'm slow.
  7. No AoD quote is complete without... "Gimme some sugar, baby!" Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store. "Listen up you primitive screw heads. This is my...BoomStick!!!!"
  8. Why are models of the VF-4 so hard to find an expensive??I hope Yamoto makes a 1/48 of it.I really want one!!!
  9. I heard a rumore Crash Holly died. Is there anytruth to this???
  10. I loved hackers also. Ceral Killer was funny.
  11. Oh my god. I suck. I totally forgot about AOD!!! Love that series!!!
  12. Anubis wrote: I know...But still I kept getting that vibe from him. Oh wells.He was still great in that movie as Ruby Rod. Capt_Bob wrote: Thanks for the link Capt_Bob.
  13. That's weird coming from someone that has a Fan Service AV. I can see why some old school fans Final Fantasy fans aren't too happy with the post FFVII games. Albeit it too much skin, feminine looking males, or cutesy J-Pop. I'm currently playing FFX and will probably pick up X-2 when it's on the Greatest Hits List.....I even think the theme song of X-2 is catchy. Don't get me wrong. i like it...I just find it annnoying that I must hear the wretched singing over and over, and over....I want to see some new shots, and no singing too.
  14. *>!SLAP!<* First of all, we don't use kraut here or any other words of the sort. Second; Nazis weren't the first, last, or only party to use propaganda. In fact it is stated that it was specifically based on AMERICAN propaganda films. now that I have the idiocy out of the way... You are correct that it DID use the book as toilet paper, and it IS as funny and absurd as space insects fighting a war with humans... oh wait.. I liked Starship Troopers only for the violence and gore. I keep hearing the book was better. Does anyone have a link or can tell me or piont me to the direction were I can find out th e differences? And for my favorite dirty pleasure sci-fi flick, it 5th Element. I just can't get enough of a topless Millia Jovovich, or an ambiguously gay Chris Tucker. Leloo: "Multi-pass!"
  15. Oh man. I thought I was the only one noticing that. Every damn commercial break I must be assualted with crappy songs and digital T and A shots....God damn...I almost threw my cat at the t.v. <_<
  16. What was the dvd glitch??? On the 4th disc, at the end of episodes 16 (last minute) & 19 (the last 5 minutes) there are badly encoded sections that create almost a strobe effect of character & movement flicker (some sort of interlacing problem). And let me guess. They don't plan on fixing it for awhile?
  17. wasn't me... I would have sent my goon posse to rough him up a bit first. LMAO
  18. Keith doesn't seem to have his anymore.
  19. You know it's kinda funny thses here titles (especially Kieths and Agent1's). And I would think if a mod gave you one, you would feel special.
  20. I'll lend you the money if you could get someone to buy me that aircraft carrier up for auction there. Damn, I was gonna say somethign about that, but you beat me! Alas, the auction is down. What do you guys put in your search field when you look for those kinds of things?
  21. What was the dvd glitch???
  22. i will make sure to see it then!!!!
  23. I don't want to be mean, but Leprechaun has been sucking since part 2. But I digress. Good luck and congrats hirohawa!
  24. Thank you for all your help everyone.I greatly appreciate it!!
  25. Ok question. What the transfer rate there??? My total came out to $205.00 HK.But waht is it in american???
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