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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. My sentiments exactly. Vostok 7 i would love to go seeong How I live in the area....But I'am just to poor to afford it right now.....Dammit...
  2. Hey dna. My version is clear. Is it o.kay if I upload it to the server and you can host it?I still have the address and password...Unless it's been changed.Thanks.
  3. woohooo!!! you rock, can't wait till I get home from work YAY!!!Thanks Pat!Now I don't have to look for my copy, to try and host! depending on the size I might be able to host it for a while.... the other problem is how to get it from you not like I'm just going to give the FTP login to my website to just about anyone to bad I can't set up an "upload" ftp area or something. I would e-mail to you. But I can't It's too big/wont load. I can upload it to your server. But tahst your call. Unless dna will let me host that song on his server, like my love drifts away flashback version. But thats up to him. If you have AIM or yahoo I.M I can send it thru that for you.But other then that, I don't know how to get it to you. :reads message: crap.... :reads a little farther: hrmmm.... crap.... :reads even farther: AIM... LOL AOHell brings back memories.... CRAP... well CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP lol I'll see if I can setup a HTML upload page on my site. not sure if Crack'cast will support it or not... :scratch head: let me see what I can come up with. Well there always Yahoo messanger my friend. That or just download aim, install. i'll send the song over, then when you get it. uninstall aim. Also. I'll keep my fingers crossed on your attempt to make a HTML upload page, so I can upload to you.
  4. woohooo!!! you rock, can't wait till I get home from work YAY!!!Thanks Pat!Now I don't have to look for my copy, to try and host! depending on the size I might be able to host it for a while.... the other problem is how to get it from you not like I'm just going to give the FTP login to my website to just about anyone to bad I can't set up an "upload" ftp area or something. I would e-mail to you. But I can't It's too big/wont load. I can upload it to your server. But tahst your call. Unless dna will let me host that song on his server, like my love drifts away flashback version. But thats up to him. If you have AIM or yahoo I.M I can send it thru that for you.But other then that, I don't know how to get it to you.
  5. woohooo!!! you rock, can't wait till I get home from work YAY!!!Thanks Pat!Now I don't have to look for my copy, to try and host!
  6. I like the lyrics. Although you ar right. They make no sense. But hell. When have I ever needed something to make sense for me too like?
  7. I have an MP3 of teh english version and its horrid... its a rip from the end of the OVA and its not very clear and you have the YF-19 engine noise in the background. I agree the english version really makes no sense, but I would still like to have a "clear" version for the sake of having one. I have it. With out the thrust noise from the YF-19. I just have to upload it to my computer. And if I can find a host...::looks too dna, and batts eyelashes seductivly:: .....I can post it.That or send via AIM, or yahoo. Sorry dont have messanger.
  8. yeah. And you get access to unlimted doorknobs too!Don't forget that!
  9. None that I know. I had to edit my own. I used my minidis player to record half of the song from part 3 and the other half from the end of part 4. I then edited them together to blend in perfectly IMHO. I would have just did a rip from the end of part 4, but you get the yf-19's thruster blast in the background....which annoyed me.
  10. Thank you for that mp3. No prob!
  11. With help and hosting from dna, and talking me through how to upload correctly step by step to a ftp server, godzilla. And thanks to majortom for putting it up on kazza also (very many thanks to all of you!). I bring you my dvd mp3 rip of "Love Floats/Drifts Away" Flashback 2012 version. "Love Floats/Drifts Away" Flashback 2012 Version MP3 Download and enjoy. And thank to everyone who helped me get this out for all of Macross World.
  12. I liked the movie. Though it was funny. i liked the extended version more though.
  13. Samething here. Got into Robotech, then got pissed that there were no new stories...Then did some reaserch and found macross, and the whole Robotech/macross thing....Now I'm a big Macross fan......With no life unfortunilty.
  14. Majortom said he was putting it on Kazzaa.....Damn......If theres someone I can send it to, that can host it, like Valkyrie did. I'll be more then happy to do that.
  15. I have an MP3 rip of it I made a few months back,from my DVD.I can send it thru yahoo, or AIM, if you p.m me.I would put it up, but I don't know how.If I can send it to someone who can,I will, be more then happy to do so, for you all who want it. Yay! I'd like that song, too, that's another rare track found. I've just posted in the other topic about the lost Acoustic version of Totsugeki Love Heart. It's great that everyone can help each other out.. Thanks! Just p.m me with your AIM, or yahoo handle and I'll send it to you! I sent it to majortom already, and he said it was pretty good rip.
  16. I have an MP3 rip of it I made a few months back,from my DVD.I can send it thru yahoo, or AIM, if you p.m me.I would put it up, but I don't know how.If I can send it to someone who can,I will, be more then happy to do so, for you all who want it.
  17. let me know if you ever do find that one!. I want that one soooooooo bad! And Valkyrie. many, many thanks., for the linkage.
  18. Wait...Are you talking about the Mylene only Light the light or Mylene only Totsugeki Love Heart???
  19. As do I my friend.....As do I....
  20. It's alright fanboy, though I'm impressed I haven't gotten myself banned over there, saving it for something good. As I'm I. But you do make more sense then alot of the other RT people there.I'v been lucky enough not to be banned yet......
  21. 2045. Just so I could fly a VF-22 and stalk Emillia.
  22. I would probly buy them too, Just to use as a set for travling, or lending to friend who's not in to macross,But trying to get in. I know I sure as hell wouldn't be lending out my official dvd set...especially to my friends....But for some weird reason...Evenn thought i own the 9 dvd set......I still want these too......Why I don't know.....At lest the box wouldn't have any HG logo's...But still, I would feel bad since it's a boot of the official R1 release.
  23. I guess I'm one of the few that actually like FF8. Oh well.
  24. And thats just for this box. t appears theres more boxes to come.
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