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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I want to say Metal Slug. I want to say maybe....Lain?
  2. I have a film capture of her you get from the European S.E tin DVD set.She looks prettygood....I feel like watching BR again, now just to see her.
  3. *Has a strong urge to buy chobits anime and manga*
  4. Umm...Bakshi had nothing to do with Rock and Rule either... My bad. But what about wizards? I still want to know more about that.
  5. I keep hearing alot of good things about Wizards.What was it about?The only stuff I really ever like of Bakshi's was Rock and Rule.
  6. right now they have it on hold.Unearthed films has the right to the movies (both american and canadiean version). But the masters for the the films, they got from Nelvana were to detriorated.So there trying to get the masters from MGM.There also trying to attain ther o.k to release a official soundtrack tot he movie, since non was ever made (kinda sad seeing how the soundtrack is kickass in the movie).
  7. I always like Rock and Rule, and am eargerly awaiting it's offial dvd release. As for Heavy metal, it was "meh"
  8. Here U.N.They have the video here : FF7 Advent Children You need need the latest Divx software to play it though.But it's a good screen size.Alot bigger then the one at square enix's site.
  9. Does anybody have a link to the new trailer with Tifa and Vincent in it?
  10. Welcome to macross world Khyron! Hopefully you well see how much more freedom you have here then at RT.com.
  11. There left over gunpods from Max and Millia's wedding.
  12. Dude... They picked a heavy metal soundtrack! Thats for skateboard movies. This thing will suck the cum out of a dead hooker's ass. I'd actually pay $7.50 to see that, then for this craptastic movie.
  13. LMAO!!! Now that you mention it......Hmmmmmmm............
  14. Congratulations Graham!
  15. Damn...When I click the link, I get a Unauthorized user warning.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=8405&st=120 If you go to www.macross7.com, it takes you to the HG shoping page.
  17. I wouldn't plan on it.I already own 2 "alternate" versions of both shows and a R2 DYRL perfect editon, I managed to snatch off of e-bay for $28.00.I'd only buy it if the HG had alot of extras, and I sure as hell don't mean Macek commentaries/interviews, or Yune art galleries!!!
  18. Same here. The voices are o.kay I guess.
  19. Is HG also trying to get Macross7? If you type in Macross7.com it takes you the HG shope site?WTF is up with that? *edit: You need to have a RT account I am asumming to get the link to take you to the HG store.I can be wrong though.
  20. LOl.I did that too. I went and bought another tin edition of Battle Royale (quite a steal for under $50.00!! ). And I had no problems.Just have to log into ebay everytime I bid (gotta clear my cookies).
  21. LOL.The only things i really bought that became "invalid" auctions were a dvd-r of Rock & Rule.And I figured it could be because of that.Stupid "fisher's"
  22. Thanks for the info drew.What caught my eye was the threating of being suspended from e-bay and not being able to make a new account.I know theres shady dealers out there that get kicked out of e-bay,and yet they managed to make new accounts and return.That and I buy alot from e-bay and have no negs.So it didn't make sense to me.
  23. Well.Thanks for all your help, with this.I forwarded it to spoofebay, and I'm just going to ignore it.Thanks again.I greatly appreciate all of you guys help.Thank you.
  24. Another thing.The e-mail address awconfrim@ebay, is the same one, I recived after i bought a R2 Macross DYRL dvd.Except it was a invoice.
  25. Heres what the header say: Return-Path: <aw-confirm@ebay.com> Received: from ordenador-001 ([]) by eagle (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id 1blMAb6503NZFji0 for <my e-mail>; Thu, 6 May 2004 10:22:46 -0700 (PDT) From: "aw-confirm@ebay.com" <aw-confirm@ebay.com> To: "Buyer macrossskullone()( 34)" <my e-mail> Subject: TKO NOTICE:Update Registration Information Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 18:22:23 +0200 Reply-To: "aw-confirm@ebay.com" <aw-confirm@ebay.com> Message-ID: <02145135.20040507182223@ebay.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Importance: Normal Organization: eBay INC. X-Mailer: EM: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_PartID_178086786233348" X-ELNK-AV: 0
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