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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Theres no need to boo. Theres no need to hiss. To each there own. Nanase,Klan-Klan,Sherly and Ranka love to and for all!!!!!
  2. Wow...Just...Wow. I want to be an executive.
  3. I'v been using "ImTOOMP4" video converter, and I'v really had no problems. But this PSP Video 9 intrigues me. On aside note how do you guys feel about the ImTOOmp4? Is it a good conversion program? So far I don't really have any gripes just that certain videos wont convert, or will get to 80% then fail, but this doesn't happen often.
  4. I nominate Gubaba as president B.O.I.N.G, and B.O.U.N.C.E should be a subsidiary
  5. Do/did thay have a Nanase one?
  6. Man there is so much good fan art on Klan Klan.
  7. Why do you think I have it for my avatar?
  8. Also by changing into battoriod mode wouldn't you be a little bit more agile then in fighter mode in space or atmosphere?
  9. I'm just surprised some said "Yeah. Thats up to broadcast standards. Air it!"
  10. Well I always assumed because they were not experenced enough (or smart enough), but mostly not experenced,oh and probly there for canon fodder purposes. Pretty much all the ace flyers I'v seen in the series change there modes multiple times in a dog fights, heck look at the battle between Isamu and Guild in M+, or Max and Millia in SDFM. I always thought of this manuver as a "I'll luanch all I have, and hope I hit them and wittle there numbers down" thing. That and it looks pimp when an Itano circus is let loose.
  11. Yeah, I'v been sucking up all the pics i like from it (lol Pedobear ) Great pics Kronnang!
  12. Wow...that kinda sucks.Thanks for the heads up azrael.
  13. I'am proud to say I'm the newest member Of B.O.I.N.G
  14. As a wise man once sang... "Love will save us all!"
  15. Great Work!!! Keep them comming Kronnang!
  16. But Hikaru choose Misa and Minmay left, then well Misa and Hikaru were together, Minmay could be heard singing. Ending with the power of love and song overcoming destruction.
  17. Apparently a really cheeky character.
  18. Why do I always click links before reading?
  19. I like them. You have any more Kronnang? I should start drawing again and do a few of Klan Klan also. zzzzzheres another pic not quite Klan Klan, but it made me luagh.
  20. I don't know if this pics been posted yet (if it has sorry)
  21. Wow. Good story. It truly is a small world after all.
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