Wow I didn't even know Agent one was banned.Man I'v been gone for a looong time.
I like Mac II as a standalone series. I know it's not canon or anything, but hell I still like it, and Ishtar puts the "F" in "FINE".
M7 I went in with a opened mind ( I just barly found out that Macross and Robotech were different entities after seeing M+), so it was a deculture shock to see that there was alot more Macross the what HG had. After M7 and M+ I found this site like a lost little sheep separated from the heard, only to find my flock. I then soon found out about the whole copyright debacle, and took a side as a Macross fan rather then a Robotech or Robotech and Macross fan. That is not to say I don't hold a place in my heart for robotech, with out I would probably never have become a Macross fan, or it could have taking me a lot longer to find out about it. The place in my for Robotech is only there for nostalgic reasons, unfortunately nostalgia always seems to make things seem better then what they actually were. Plus, thanks to the M7 movie I got to witness the beauty of Emillia.