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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I think that is a steak we can all enjoy.
  2. Let the haters hate. All the more Nanase for us, I say Dante74 and Gubaba! And a Yea from me for Nanse, alway a yea for her. Always.
  3. Wow I didn't even know Agent one was banned.Man I'v been gone for a looong time. I like Mac II as a standalone series. I know it's not canon or anything, but hell I still like it, and Ishtar puts the "F" in "FINE". M7 I went in with a opened mind ( I just barly found out that Macross and Robotech were different entities after seeing M+), so it was a deculture shock to see that there was alot more Macross the what HG had. After M7 and M+ I found this site like a lost little sheep separated from the heard, only to find my flock. I then soon found out about the whole copyright debacle, and took a side as a Macross fan rather then a Robotech or Robotech and Macross fan. That is not to say I don't hold a place in my heart for robotech, with out I would probably never have become a Macross fan, or it could have taking me a lot longer to find out about it. The place in my for Robotech is only there for nostalgic reasons, unfortunately nostalgia always seems to make things seem better then what they actually were. Plus, thanks to the M7 movie I got to witness the beauty of Emillia.
  4. I'm such a filthy, filthy dirty whore who needs to be punished. I hate niether.
  5. From the B.O.I.N.G thread.
  6. I love both versions, but alas. I can't choose one. So I choose to pick out what i love from each, and combine them into my own new version Macross Plus "PLUS". Oh yeah, opeaning Isamu fight and Lucy sex secne... Now thats a pinpoint barrier punch!!!
  7. Which he never really got to enjoy.
  8. Okay i dont know if this pic has been posted yet.
  9. I like the Kuma ones, but strawberries are delicious
  10. LOL Shhhh...Dont give HG any ideas.
  11. Okay, those are damn good.
  12. Well she is a handfull(or two) right Dante?
  13. Don't worry. there will be a time post it soon enough.Till then p.m a link. I would like to check it out.
  14. Too each there own my friend, I like overall character design and how beautifully her eye color matches her hair at times.I think she has a great overall character design, plus her personality in MF . It's not just about the boobs....but they don't hurt.
  15. Thats what am waiting for.The okay from Roy, till then I am happy just discuusing Nanase's awsome boobie'ness with fellow B.O.I.N.G'ers
  16. I like to think that, as silly as we get here on B.O.I.N.G/B.O.I.N.G.H.E.R.H.A.R.D/F.U.N.K/ect, we have enough sense to not post a no-no pic, (especially after the KK incident). And Gubaba pimp ass avatar,one worthy for the president of B.O.I.N.G!
  17. I'm actually surprised this thread wasn't closed as well when the KK thread went down.
  18. It is impossible for me to express my satisfaction and pleasure with mere words. So just wow....realy, wow....
  19. I would, but I like it here at MW.
  20. Copy and paste, you wont be let down.
  21. Damn. Another club to join. We need to organize and posibly form a union. P.E.N.E.T.R.A.T.E Local 323 People Enjoying Nanase's Exquisite Tastefull Respective Art for There Enjoyment.
  22. Gubaba you would have first chair, then me, then Dante74. Afterall. without B.O.I.N.G, we would not have B.O.I.N.G. H.E.R. H.A.R.D. Good point...curse the lack of Nanse fan art....
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