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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Must find way to find Emillia and defeat her.
  2. I concur, but he also seemed a little bit interested in Emillia, in M7 the galaxy is calling me.
  3. I personally want Alto to end up with Ranka, but he'll probly end up with Sheryl, plus if he did end up with Ranka, wouldn't.....wait....whats Frontiers age of legal consent? Misaforever what was it again?
  4. He was also a Intial D otaku too. I think am going to start reading GTO right now.
  5. God, GTO was awsome, and Kanzaki was halarious. Also I'm surprised none of you mentioned the Minmay in a chinese dress statue,thrown about with all of Onizuka's stuff, later on in the manga, when Principal Daimon Misuzu throws Onizuka out , and all his stuff into the trash. For Shame.
  6. We can still hope and dream!
  7. I think the thing that makes her death even more horrible is that she should of/could of dodged it. She's in a fricken Queadluun-Rau!!! Those damn things are like the roadrunners of space, fast and highly maneuverable!! She should of been able to dodge and go on living!
  8. Oh that one is Raramia. I thought it was the other one that died. Whew. RIP Raramia.
  9. And unfortunitly, I would more then likly be on the net trying to find it to downlaod it too.
  10. All I know is Luca came very close to missing his thick and juicy steak in episode 14.Lucky for him Alto was able to pick up the tab for him.
  11. Wow this really went to a place that........wow....just ....wow...
  12. Yeah. Moruk Laplamiz. I never found her attractive (especially with Millia standing next to her).
  13. Oh yeah...And the fact that she is also a smoking hot meltran has noting to do with it too......
  14. I went to gamestop today to pick up Trauma Center 2 today. Anyway I get into a conversation with the guy about Macross. He seemed to really enjoy the new series but disliked Zero. On the way home my cousin and I star talking about him, how we disagree that zero is anything but crap, but the one thing we ended up fighting about is M7. He bitches it's too long and stupid with singing robot planes, and it's like sailor moon with energy stealing monsters.I just do not understand the hatred that M7 inflicts on certain people. I loved M7, hell so far I like evrything Macross, including Macross 2 ( yeah thats right I said it). So does this make me a Macross whore? maybe a Macross junkie, waiting for my next fix?
  15. So Misa.Whats the age of consent on Frontier?
  16. You know what I really like? I says to myself.....Well I may be Macross purist...but I 'll check out shadow chronicles. I figure, I'll think of it as just some independent movie, and forget it is a bastardization of the house that the all mighty Hori Froating Head built. So I goes to work and see's it for $29.99 (over priced IMHO). But still I get it. Then a week later, after I bought it, HG decides to re-release Shadow Chronicles directors cut/special whatever edition. Thats when I realized, all kidding around. HG has got no other better license then Robotech/macross to milk, and a renewled hatred for HG and realization of why I became a Macross purist in the first place.
  17. I feel Luca is going to die in a big battle, right after he confesses his attraction to Nanase. I also feel (and I hope I am wrong) Klan Klan is going to go out in blaze of glory, right when micheal realizes she's the only meltran he could ever love...than again, mostly everybody could just make it out okay....Kinda like the final battle in to M7, and the vajra can make peace with frontier and realize the error of there way and leave to find peace and happyness....but honestly who would really want that. I just want a epic battle ala' DYRL.
  18. Phhsssshhh.I never use sound/correct judgment. I just wing it.
  19. You know I did once eat Zoliet....Needless to say Zoliet was delish.
  20. Daaaaaamn.....Poor girl, just can't get a break.
  21. You know that must really suck. I feel bad for Ranka. You pull an ole' "Minmey culture shock" on some zentrans (that you know will become some great fans later on in the long run). Then your flying high with the man you like, next thing you know, plane goes down, your kidnapped, trapped in a green bubble, and all your new fans just got vaporized by a a hot libarian evil cyborg...Talk about a crappy day.
  22. I always figured the perks more then made up for that Gubaba.
  23. I hate MF because I know I'll never ever get to see a region 1 release....:::sigh:::
  24. I'm still trying to find the doujinshi this picture came out of But alas...No dice.
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