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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. MisaForever, I demand a bigger picture of your avatar, so I may have a copy, that is one of the best Klan pics I'v seen!
  2. I did not take part in the poll, due to the fact , that I feel 3 people up there deserve the title. First is Roy from DYRL. Taking out a Zentran, while being crushed, incurring internal injuries (hemorrhaging, bleeding etc.) and saving your friends, bad ass. Taking out said Zentron by firing your gunpod at his back while he's facing you. even more badass.Then to top it off, your valk explodes, while your still barly alive. That's a manly death. Second is Guld. In order to atone for his past transgressions and to save/help Isamu and Myung. He takes the limiter off the YF-21 to take out the Sharon controlled Ghost. Pushes the YF-21 to breaking point, going waaaay past the amount of G's and normal human/zentron can, and pretty much crushed his innards and popped an eye, but still kept at it till his target was destroyed. Never will ther be a pilot able to do what he did. That is not only manly, but legendary. Third. Well I just finished watching MF 20, and saw poor Micheal die saving Klan. What makes this manly to me, is that he did it to save something really important to him. Call me lame, call me Corny, call me old fashioned; but to me, sacrificing yourself for someone or something you truly love, is a manly (or even womanly, had any roles been reversed)way to go out. I am currently sad because of Michaels death, but at least he got to die doing something most noble, saving the woman he loves.My only regret is that it took him so long to admit he loved Klan, and that when he finally did, he was killed. Rest in peace Micheal, God speed.And have fun with Roy and Guld at the bar.
  3. I'm sorry Gubaba I read your post, and I all I was able to understand was: "Max -------- ---- ------ the better pilot- -- - ----- ---- ---- -- ---- --- ---- ---." My ranking is 1. Maximilian Jenius- Come on. He's a "Jenius" 2. Milla Fallyna Jenius-Every King needs a Queen. And who else to be the Queen of the best? 3. Guld Bowman-Yeah he wasn't a combat pilot, but I don't think there is anybody else who could have flown the YF-21(or any VF) like he did! 4. Isamu Dyson-Cocky?Brash?Yeah, but at least he has the piloting skills to back them up. 5. Basara Nekki-He fricken flew a VF-19 well playing a guitar singing and avoiding enemy fire. I cant even play Gitaroo Man with out the background action distracting me (Damn you Zoie!) 6. D.D. Ivanov-Taught Focker all he knew. 7. Roy Focker-Taught Hikaru most of what he knew. And was a high functional drunk.If you can drink yourself drunk and still pilot and kick ass in a Valkyrie, your a capital G God. 8. Shin Kudo-Could have been just as great as Roy,or any of the above, if not for that pesky mysterious fold 9. Hikaru Ichijo- Roy taught him a thing or two. Came into his own as a very respectable pilot (Roy would be proud)and plus he could have bagged Mimmay, and did bag Misa. 10.Ozma Lee-He's cool and suave like Roy, except he was smart enough not to eat the pineapple salad.Plus he took on a vajra with a knife, cut it's leg off, and threw it at it. Thats captial "G" work right there, just like Roy. 11.Gamlin Kizaki-A special forces pilot? Taught by Queen Millia herself?Could possibly marry Mylene?Friends with Basara?Posses the all powerful "Gamlin Kick"?Check. How can he not kickass as a pilot (especially since he's now upgraded his VF-17 for a VF-22S) 12.Brera Sterne-Only here because of all his artificial enhancements.Still is a exceptional pilot.Although I feel Alto will dethrone him....... 13.Alto Saotome-Yaio good looks.Makes the two main girls all hot and bothered. Gifted pilot. Has great potential.I feel we will see great things from him before MF ends.Also I feel he will overcome Brera, even with all his enhancements. 14.Klan Klan-Great pilot.Can hang and fly with the best of them. Smoking hot in Macro form, extremly cute in micro form.Can't go wrong. 15.Michael Blanc-Good pilot, but were he excels are his snipping skills.Able to cap a Vajra in the head in a asteroid field. Has Fockker's womanizing trait.How can you not like him? 16.Nora Polyanski-Hot,capable pilot, but to me not really an ace, like the rest. Felt if given enough time Shin could have taken her out, as well Hikaru and any of the rest.
  4. As good as her managerial skills are, I can't understand how killing the audience in a concert with a Vajra attack will help Ranka's career in the end... Well, that's the point. Overall shes a good manager. Look at how well she managed Sheryl (up to the whole backstabbing/attempting murder thing of course). And look at how well shes helping Ranka currently. Of course since she's evil, she's doing all this to further her own objectives,(which would involve the killing of the audience, as you stated)...But, if she weren't evil, she would/could be managing the best two stars on Frontier, Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee. But again, the evilness of her and her motives make her a bad choice, and overall, a terrible manager. I didn't love it. I was hoping she would be gone forever, after the hole dimensional eater thing. I was disappointed to see the she-devil was back, and being "fixed'.
  5. Nah. I'm over it now.Short attention span you-oh hey a new RVB video.
  6. sucker4meltrans, don't ruin it.
  7. You know, as bad as that sounds, your probly right.
  8. MisaForever, please don't ruin it for me.
  9. Really. Too bad she's evil, she does have some good managerial skills to, if she weren't evil.
  10. Oh dear god. Godbless your huge heart Gubaba! That is your best avatar yet, next to the cosplay of Nanase!
  11. No, because Hikaru had less balls then Minmay did. Touche my friend, touche!
  12. Well I know the RT version does.....along with a falco punch.
  13. Kaifun slapped Minmay once (if my memory serves me right). I still wouldn't call him a woman beater.I mean Hikaru slaped her as well, does that make him a woman beater too?
  14. My love of Macross and Macross related items is already raping my wallet....And yet, I still buy. Gunbuster it is...looks like I will have survive off of tuna pouches and instant ramin for the next 2 weeks to finiance my ever so expensive hobbies.::sigh::
  15. I have not seen Gunbuster either. Is it really that good? I was thinking of picking up the box set from amazon next payday, that or Bleach season 2 boxset, or Samurai 7. Should i forgo them and just get Gunbuster?
  16. Yeah I called her loli because she looks like a loli. Plus chibi-klan takes too long to type, and am veeeery lazy. As for Klan, she's is hot in macro form, in micro, she looks like a little girl. I'm a Nanase man myself....wait...how old is she? Mybe I do like lolis too....Damn you badboy00z, you have me questioning myself now!
  17. Who just happens to look like a lolli. Denial is a hell of a sickness my friend.
  18. Thats because your open to loli, and your girl is said loli.
  19. Didn't she try rape Mylene? Thats pretty bad.
  20. You know...Fire Bomber American, doesn't really bother me that much.....But Kaifun is still the biggest ass out of all of them.
  21. I was going to vote Kaifun, but he was more of an annoying ass then anything.Then I was going to go for Marge, but he was just a obsessed Sharon fan, and only wanted to be one with her, in a weird sorta way. Well all the while Grace just destroyed half a planet to further her goals....so yeah Grace.
  22. I wish I was a Luca doll right about now.....
  23. Oh man! Where have I been, and what have I been missing!?
  24. That there my friend is one of the best pics ever. This is one of the best threads ever!!!
  25. Oh Gubaba you always know how to make my frown turn into a smile!
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