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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. You forgot Klan Klan, Nanase, Bobby, and possibly Luca.
  2. Well I would assume too that A.I logical. And human illogical. Sometimes you need a crazy, think outside the box pilot to get the job done. Look at Isamu. He managed to out fox the fox, and took out the Sharon controlled Macross. And the NUNs does use A.I.Also there are just some jobs, that computer and or programs can't do that a real flesh and blood person can.
  3. No one would ever see that coming!!
  4. What about the mini Dimension Eater?
  5. Logical thought = azrael
  6. As I have stated before, I am a macross whore and like pretty much all things macross. So I vote for everything (yeah I even listen to english fire )
  7. Well then I guess were going to have to wait till the ending then. Imagine they throw a curve ball at us and Alto ends up with Klan, as he tried to comfort her about Micheals death. Or he ends up with Nanase, comforting her about Ranka's departure. Where would the rule be at then?
  8. I lol'd Okay who did he come in contact with 2nd?
  9. I think the best part is, I saw macross as a kid (through Robocrap) and macross plus as a teen, with out hardly any money. Now I have a good well paying job, and internet access.I can now try to catch up to my nostolgia (although it rapes my wallet hard), and continue with all the new goodies, as an adult with disposible income.
  10. Gubaba you make my head hurt. Who did he actually come in contact with first?
  11. Kind of like how bio-neural chips are illegal and highly dangerous. So the cyber mods of Galaxy, are like the new generation of bio-neural chips, and we can look at Grace as a example.
  12. You know I would assume it would work/worked only due to the fact that Grace had something to do with it.She did make the vajra become immune to ranka's singing after all.
  13. I think this should go to the newbies question thread.It won, because I think it was the last one standing and was cheaper to manufacture then the YF-21, and the BDS system had some pretty big flaws (although it was a awsome idea). Also after the Sharon Apple incident, I would think they wouldn't want a craft that can be taken over by a rouge A.I. True but the Ghost was under Sharon's control, so the ghost was actually going out of it's parameters, I believe, and also A.I controlled ships, as Sharon proved, can be taken over and used against you. Also as the Vajra have shown, there A.I can be compromised and rendered useless. I think the Ghost was only that good because of Sharon. As for the manned fighter being controlled, valks have computers and are somewhat computer controlled, but you still need a pilot, Kinda like how on-star for cars can open locked doors and start cars, but you still need a driver to do the driving. Now the VF-27 being remote controlled is a cool idea, but I would worry about the connection being lost or disrupted (like how the vajra did to the ghosts).Plus I would only assume that maneuverability and fighting would be somewhat limited in an engament, which would be the question,"If the VF-27 is remote controlled and is better, then why has Brera only used it a few times, and has physically piloted it more so then by remote?"
  14. Same here. At first I didn't really care for Sheryl, but now I really want her to be okay, and live.And I kinda half-heartedly want her to end up with Alto.
  15. I agree. MF has made me remember what I felt when I first the original series and Macross plus.
  16. It seems to me since Macross Zer0 came out, more people know about Macross (well around my area anyways). Great new series,great toys, great music, great time to be a fan.
  17. Like that will ever happen.
  18. I lol'd MisaForever it's definition is: cur·mudg·eon [ker-muhj-uhn] –noun a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person. I feel happy to be a fan of Macross. I came into Macross from old Robocrap reruns on cartoon network and public access channels. I thought it was awesome, until it ended and they brought in the 2nd generation. i was like "WHAT THE F@%K!!!".Than I slowly made my way to a awesome hobby store call Pegasus's hobbies (which has unfortunately folded) . There I found alot of macross models of valks I knew and some I'v never seen. Soon I found Macross 2 in my local video store and Macross Plus (which blew me away!). Then I found a copy of the old Macross DYRL movie(both the original and english dubbed one, not the bionoids cut thank god)after I found the Internet and found out the truth about Robotech. After that I was a Macross fan from there on, and never really looked back on Robotech. I still remember buying the old ban-dai transformable models and a Joons valk, because that's all I could find in toys for macross.Then soon I came across the M7 toys. What turned me into a macros purest, was HG's block of the toynami YF-19 and the whole cease and desist letters. Come to present day where I have a yamoto valks HK releases of M7,Zer0 and soon MF. I'm glad my fascination and love for this series has stayed with me, where all my others at the time of my age have wained and gone. I always joke when someone complains about there favorite series next seasons taking forever to be released in the US, by replying "Well at least yours gets a no hassle US release." I always say to myself "of all the anime series out there, it figures I fall in love with one that has a legal entanglement over it's copyright, making all hope of future releases nill." But still, I wouldn't change my passion about this series for another, and I'm glad we have come along way, from buying joons and crappy bootleg toys.I'm glad an proud to be a Macross fan!
  19. The question is, if they do, can they afford all the hassle with HG, and the licencing fee for bringing MF to the US (especially how expensive everything is now-a-days). I personally would glad to pay $100's of dollers for a R1 Macross release hell I still want a R1 release of M7 and MZero (and I still hold out hope for the release of VF-X2).
  20. Oh wow..... Thats just wrong.
  21. With this and the last episode, it has had me liking Klan more (thats not to say I no longer like Nanase{get well soon!}.)I can hardly wait for the next episode.
  22. I'm sorry but anyone who can pilot a valk, pulling off those g's he did, to take out the ghost, while losing an eye, and getting there insides crushed, all the while keeping a clear mind to pilot said valk, is a top pilot in my book!
  23. Man I haven't seen Krull in like 8-10 years! I loved this movie, along with The Princess Bride. God I feel nostalgic now. Hey areaseven, have you done a review of the monster squad yet, or rock and rule?
  24. Found some good pics just now! And these are is just wrong.
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