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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I agree, the one thing I'v learned about Macross, is that not everything pans out the way you want/like/invisioned.I don't expect any of the thing you just said right now are going to happen. They might, but thats as likly as Hikaru and Misa, coming out of a fold aboard the Alus, luanching a Minmay and Ishtar attack on the Vajra. Veeery unlikly. 'Am going to do what I do best. Sit on my ass, and wait for this ride to end, then I will look back and say "Damn, it was fun, but ended way to fast." I will probly bitch and moan, about it, but hell, thats because I love it and want it to be perfect to my standards (again, something that wont happen)
  2. Well I was trying to be polite. I mean Isamu was like a "Riggs" to Guld's 'Murtuagh" . Hew was crazy, you saw what he did to enter earth during the Sharon Apple concert!
  3. Exactly. Isamu is a great pilot who did things his way.Guld was by the books. I honestly think, Isamu would have died/got shot down if he stayed or told Guld to go help Myung while he fought the ghost.
  4. Damn those Vajra! And I love your avatar Gubaba.
  5. Ah dammit.I'm starting one right now!
  6. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! On a side note, did anyone else just get a ISP data base error?
  7. I see.She didn't have the manual, but thats no prob.Thanks for the help jwinges!
  8. All I know is Alto is going to have to make a choice, or the girls are going to make it for him (seems Ranka already kinda did).
  9. I have no idea what you just said.
  10. You make a good point, and I agree, but I still dislike what she did to Alto, and then leaving, with Brera.I'm hoping that episode 22 will show me her decsion to leave was a right one.
  11. Don't you ever wonder, "What would Global do?" in situations, on M7 and MF? Or is that just me?
  12. Then why call him in the middle of the night/ And show him Ai-kun, whome, his breathen just killed Micheal? I'm sorry.Although I loved episode 21, I felt she flubed up again, and was trying to hard to be mature, but she came off childish to me. Like i said, I don't hate ranka, but i am dissapointed with her character right now.Hopefully episode 22 will change that.
  13. I just scored a 80gb ps3 (with backwards capability)from a friend for a $100 buck!!S (best day/deal of my life!!!). I was just wondering how would one go around to switching the HD for a bigger one? Do I need need to back up the system info before i swap them, or what?Also is it true I can import Japanese blu-ray movies and games too?Dear god I hope so.
  14. 3 of the best Captians I'v seen in my life!
  15. Yeah. I mean she pissed me off that she left MF with Brera, whom Alto hates, and she asks him to come with her while Brera has a knife on him. Ranka to me is a mixed bag. Theres times where she seems mature, then she does something to flub it up.
  16. Wasn't he more "supporting cast" then "major character"?
  17. "uh oh"!! What "uh oh"!!??
  18. I sure hope not. I don't want Ozma to go. We just lost Micheal. W00t 500th post!
  19. I agree. You know I went into MF liking Ranka and hating Sherly.But I'm comming out loving Sherly, and...Well I wouldn't say, but Ranka has been pissing me off latly.
  20. I'm just saying Luca might need some "comforting" also, especially since Nanase is in the hospital.
  21. I hope your right on that one. Luca needs some love.
  22. I think he "evolved"in the last episode.
  23. I was always under the imppression that Kaifun's mother was Minmay's mother's sister, making them first cousins, and making the kiss more wrong.
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