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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I can always count on Mr. March for a good answer...And a obligatory comparison picture! Thanks again Mr. March and the rest of you who answered. Soooooo...who would win in a fight between a VF-19, VF-21/22, VF-25 and VF-27?
  2. So you went with the PSP3000 after all? See I told you the scanlines wernt that bad.
  3. You know makes me think.....if the EX-Gear system was around during project super nova.....Guld may still have been with us....
  4. Question. I know the new VF-171 is the new mass produced standard fighter replacing the old VF-11 Thunderbolt. But what about the VF-19 and 22? And now with the arrival of the 25 Messiah and VF-27 Lucifer (is that name right?), which Valkyrie is the top performer now? I know the 19 was too be the new mass produced fighter but was really advanced that only a handful of talented pilots could handle, and the VF-22 is for special ops now replacing the old VF-17 Nightmares. So where do they all stand in terms of being overall the more advanced/powerful/versatel valk? I know the answer would probably be based on opinion, but still, I would like to know which one would be the best/overall.
  5. Well That would have been a very interesting ending. And would also explain the multiple Kings at the end of the series. I wish too, that they would have done the 4 new movie remake. Since the original movie suck so much, and also like you said the t.v series could benefit from a little streamlining and updated visuals.
  6. All I have to say is Sanson has the lolicon fever. He married Marie. If the math is correct, she is 16 and he is 34!!! Someone's been hanging around MisaForever and mini Klan too much. j/k
  7. Well. It took a little while. But I have successfully transfered all my data from my 16Gb Sony MS Pro Duo, to my Photofast Dual micro sd card adapter, and so far it's been good. No slow down when playing PSN games (Castlevania SOTN and Suikoden). Also no lag when loading/saving on UMD games (tested on Macross Ace Frontier). The only things I noticed, that was stated again by other owners/useres of this card, is there is a slight slowdown, when accessing the VIDEO icon from the XMB cross bar. usually it takes 4-5 seconds to load and open, but with this card it's doubled to 8-10, but after the load, everything is fine. Also the card is a tad longer then a normal MS pro duo, so the tail end sticks out slightly from the memory slot, making the cover pop out ever so silghtly. I found if you bend the memory card cover ever so slightly, it makes this problem less noticable. all in all, this is a awsome product. For less then the price of my old 16GB card, I was able to double the space on my PSP. And thankfully avoid all the problems that plauged other users/purchessers of the card!
  8. man Keith. Where were you, to give me this warning? The moive totally blows. What was it's name anyways? "The secret of Fuzzy"?
  9. The movie is really,really,really, bad. Story and animation wise. The only thing good, was the flashbacks, and that was because they used recycled animation from the t.v series.
  10. I think it happens when you Misa as your operator. The game will freez and the PSP will reset. Not 100% sure though.
  11. Many thankyou good sir! The ones I have (which I posted pictures) are 16:9 aspect ratio, like the braod cast IIRC.
  12. Why were those episodes made anyways? Trying to give the staff more time to cobble up a good ending? The island episodes were okay. Terrible compared to the rest of the show. It was those episodes that strated me hating Nadia, and the african one too, mad that emotion stronger. Luckly she redeemed herself to me in the final episodes.
  13. I have a MP3 of it. The english fandub one. It's also on youtube.
  14. Not thus far. But that glitch, IIRC was not limited to the PSP3000, but all models. Am I wrong?
  15. Those were good. I also like the english fansub one too, and the trance/techno mixes. This one seems nice to. I like it.
  16. The score was awesome. I loved the Grandis gangs theme!
  17. Hey breetai did you get the dvd sets, or was it on t.v? It's funnyunny you should post this. I just finished watching the series the other day, from the ADV sets they released a few years ago, the ones that came with OST. ~Spiolers~ I loved it minus a few episodes (the africa one were Nadia falls in love, and pretty much snubs Jean). Overall I see similarties to Eva, like you stated as well as others. The island episode take place later in ther series. Are you talking about the island nadia and Jean were shot down on? Because if so, that is not the island episodes. Those are later, and they are "ho-hum" in my opinion. They weren't as bad as I was lead to believe, but they werent great either, save for the last one Jean saves Nadia, and they escape with the Grandius gang. The ending was awsome to and made me a little sad. Just beware of the movie. that thing is a peice of crap IMHO.
  18. Yeah. What made me question was in the final episode when Klan tosses Micheal sniper rifle and Alto catches it. His arm is raised in the cockpit and is not gripping the throttle. Leading me to wonder just how he was able to grip/catch it if the fingers/hands are pressure sensitive controlled let alone move the arm to a upright position for the catch.
  19. sowwie. So....Do you have a link to these videos of MF with awesome subs?
  20. Well. My Photofast CR-5400 finally came in the mail just now. I must say. It's alot more solid then from what I'v read in the reviews of this thing. I mean it's still thin and feels like a wafer, but it didn't feel like it was going to snap in my hands, as other people have stated in there reviews. Putting the 16GB sdhc cards was a little tricky. I was worried I might snap the adaptor card, but with a little elagance I managed to get them in. Now when I placed the Photofast card with the 2 16gb sdhc cards into my PSP, my PSP did not recognize the card, and I got the message "Memory Card unrecognize. Please go to settings and reformat card." or something close to that. This is where I was worried. Since I read alot of the Photofast cards were unable to reformatted by PSPs well others had no problem. Well mine formatted, no problem. 2 16gb sdhc card = 29.6gb space capacity on my PSP. I also tested out to see if the card "stuck" in the memory slot after trying to eject it, and no it didn't. The only thing I noticed was the brand sticker on the bottom of the memory card was scraped, but no problem thus far. Right now am transfering my music from my Sony 16gb MS Pro Duo to my Photofast, and the transfer seems to be going fine thus far, no couruption, just slooooowwww (229 minutes untill transfer is complete). I plan on transfering all my videos and movie's from my 8gb to this card also. when I do. I'll update. Edit#2: This is being done on my PSP3000 model.
  21. You know...Your right.
  22. I have a question. How do Pilots manipulate the hands and fingers to grip in Gerwalk and battriod form? Like in DYRL, how Hikaru was able to grip Minmay and in MF when Alto grips Ranka. Are the throttle and Stick able to pick up minute finger pressure and interpret them as individual finger movement? Or is it like my dear friend Gubaba says "Your reading to much into it."? Just curious is all.
  23. So I assume I shouldn't hold my breath for a State side release of Macross Zero and Frontier anytime soon huh?
  24. I completly understand. I would be pissed if I got Ace frontier, and it as ruined by interlacing issues. As for returns no questions asked. I'm telling you walmart. I work there and they take PSPs back, as long as you have the reciept and box and everything that came with it and of course the PSP itself in good condition. (well the Walmart I work at Paramount california Walmart off of Rosecrans)
  25. If they ever recovered the body. I mean we don't know if anything/one was buried in his grave. Maybe it's just a headstone.
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