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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Well, at least he gets to....fly? Well, if your going to go out, might as well go out with a "bang".....Like a literal world/galaxy changing "bang". I can understand there reasoning for independent colony fleets, but even those that are NUNS colony fleets, like the M7 colony fleet? Or am I missing something? I was always under the assumption, until Frontier, that all fleets were extensions of the NUNS government, and therefore would have access to all NUNS military support. And not nerfed monkey models. Am disappointed to hear that the VF-22's and 19's were nerfed monkey models, but think of what Max did in his. And then think of how much more bad ass he would have been in a full spec version! Do we have a comparison chart or something that list the differences in the full spec versions of the VF-22's and 19's to their monkey model versions? And on the same note, what was the difference from the regular VF-19 and the Zolan VF-19P? Okay. You guys all convinced me. I was so close to buying the kindle versions from Amazon, but I'll avoid it. Could some entity overide some of the software, hardware downgrade issues like L.A.I? Or Galaxy Fleet? In a small number maybe? I would think there would still be ways around to get some VF's to full spec through other legal/illegal means or customization, pre Galaxy fleets betrayal. Speaking of Galaxy Fleet, did we ever find out what happened to all the civilians on their island? Was General Galaxy part of the Galaxy fleet betrayal, or they had nothing to do with it. They were just a sponsor and had no real control? Because, it was perfect. I now want to hear a Sir-Mix-Alot Alto version rendition of "Big bugs" With everything released so far, are we still in the dark about Shin and Sara. I really wish/head cannon, that they are together happily in love in a perfect Eden for them.
  2. You know.....It's a miracle he got off as easy as he did. So, what makes a immigrant fleet qualify for a "official" model vs a "monkey model"? Where the VF-19's and VF-22 from M7 "official" version? Are the VF-171 "monkey models"? And what is with the VF-171, its a striped down VF-17 right? I always thought of the VF-17 as an elite model from M7's Diamond force. So, I assume after the events of M7, all the protodevlin have went to a far, far isolated part of the universe . That bad....This is like a horrible video on the web. You know, no good will come to you if you watch it, but regret and trauma, but you still want to look. Do we know about Lucy? Do we know if she ended up with Isamu, or dated for awhile? With that, do we know Myung's fate? Or Sharon Apple? She may have turned crazy, but that was do to her program being tampered with and corrupting her. But her/Myung's music (gotta love Info High)was great! Because! Of course he would! Could someone, who knows how, remove those said limiters and increasing there performance. Like on Isamu's 19, or other galaxy platform (monkey model), variants? You sir, just made my day!!!
  3. That's like the worst punishment I can think of too give him. Is "Colony grade" bad? Sorry about that JB0. I honestly only got up to the first two sentinels novels, before I completely jumped the HG ship to Macross Hasn't it always been her fualt? So basically. The bodies we see the proto-devlin using, are actually Protoculture made beings, like the Zentradi? So the proto-devlin like spirits that can permanently possess a body? Also did Basara ever meet with Sivil again, or that's it from the end of M7? I ask, since Gavil came back in the Frontier/Fire Bomber movie, or was that not cannon and just a fun side project? As I've stated in the past on the ending of the Frontier t.v series. I support a harem ending with all three. There's enough love to go around. Is it because they were always immersed in fold energy, that they couldn't, or more like, took awhile to learn how to make there own energy to feed? Fricken Basara, helping protodevlin evolve, too better themselves and teaching space whales how to rock out and jam! Damn.....that bad... Maybe it's the masochist in me, but now I want to read it, to see how terrible it is. What exactly is "Macross the Ride"? I bought a book off of ebay, and it had some very cool valk designs, but since I don't read nor understand Japanese, they looked like custom model kits to me and designs. Wow. I always felt Millard disliked Isamu and favored Guild more, but to take the blame. That's mighty big of him. Any info on him, after the Sharon Apple incident? The New UN, sure knows how to punish... Masters of passive aggressiveness. Because of course he would! That's his pretty girl. Those are new variants, I've never heard of. What is different compared to the usual VF-19s? Or are they just upgrades to keep the 19 "up-to-date" like the VF-1X? Goodluck. Mr. Neumann. Godspeed and goodluck. Thankyou for taking the time to look and post that pic Seto. Well its nice to know he came back. I'am still left endlessly wondering where Shin and Sarah are. I hope there together. Do we know where Alto was during his time hanging out with the Vajra Queen? Or it's still up in the air?
  4. Klan Klan needs her happy ending too! And I'll trade a Brera for a Michael any day. So, of we go by the movies. What about Mr. Dyson? What happened from MPlus to Frontier? Where can I find the info of him joining the SMS, and test piloting the yf-24 or was it the VF25?
  5. Imagine, it's a time warp, to the past. They are actually the first true Protoculture, that set everything rolling. It keeps reapeating into a closed loop of continuous cause and effect. But.......Oh man. I really wish, they would reanimate the original SDF series like the Macross pachinko game cut scenes. By the way, has Alto's fate been disclosed, from the Wings of Goodbye? Did he come back? Like actually confirmed. When I last saw this discussion, it was only "alluded" he came back, from Sherly waking up from her coma.And do we follow the t.v series events or the movie events...Or like the usual mish-mash of both? Also, do we know what happens to Alto,Sheryl and Ranka leading up to Delta? I would imagine both Ranka and Sheryl are still enormously famous, and do alot of collaboration work with each other, since they were pretty much BFF after the series and movie. But I can't see Alto staying tied down, when he has the sky for him to fly in. I feel he would like to continue being a pilot in the SMS. Maybe Sheryl and Ranka's personal armed guard. Allowing SMS to venture into the personal bodyguard business?
  6. She was a good girl. A little naive at times, but she matured well. I remember stumbling on a pic of a letter from Minmay, which was supposed to be her last letter from the Megaroad-1. About some sort of signals or interference. Is this canon, fan made, or am going crazy? Also if it is true, has Kawamori released any new info about Meagroad-1?
  7. Who knew space whales loved to jam and sing along? Not the Zolans,not Protoculture...But Basara knew, Basara knew. On a side note, was it ever uncovered who Lady M was from Delta?
  8. Overall, I feel humanity has proven time and time again, that we are the closest to following in Protoculture footsteps, and possibly surpassing them. Although we may stumble and tumble down here and there every so often, but we have succeeded in many area's Protoculture failed. We managed to more or less de-militerized the Zentradi. Made peace with, not just seal away, the proto-devlin. Sang with some space whales. Manged to actually communicate with the Vajra. The only thing that holds us back is our esurient need of power and the corruption it causes, which has always been a problem since the Unification wars and following into the U.N Spacy from space war 1, into even the "New" U.N Spacy era.
  9. Why do Windermerians have such short lifespans? They consider themselves to "chosen" by Protoculture, yet they have such minuscule lifespans when compared to humans,zentradi and zolans. Kinda sad imho.
  10. Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I was last here, but I have a question I was hoping someone could answer. I've been trying to find a answer on my own, but nothing yet. What happened/happens to Freyja at the end of Delta? Is she going to die, since she was getting those dry whitish/grayish patches of skin. I know Windermerians have short lives, but feel it's kind of a bittersweet end to Delta. Unless I missed something. Thankyou all ahead of time.
  11. I can honestly say that I havent been this dissapionted in a series with the Macross name since Robotech. I was looking forward to this series,but.....
  12. I want them to release a HD remix of Triangle Frontier on the vita. I hope this game has more content then the last psp game, but I doubt it.
  13. I agree. I haven't been this dissapionted in a series with the Macross name since Robotech.
  14. Taking ABO in November. Hope I pass.

  15. Taking ABO in November. Hope I pass.

  16. I liked the movie, but the series more. I did happen to pick up the dvd limited edition book set when it first came out. I just remembered that. I'm gonna go watch the series again. That and Nadia.
  17. It would be nice though. Maybe they'll have a option, like some of the Asian releases recently.
  18. I have both. The 1000 is nice and sturdy, but heavy. And I have no luck with the oled screen. Having burn in on 3 different models I have owned. The 2000 is nice and slim and light, but again I have had issues with this model as well, as having 3 different models, all ending up with drunken left analog sticks (they wonder about and get very annoying). Screen wise, I like the oled more then the lcd, but the lcd is good too. Personal preference IMHO.
  19. Oh man.... I've been waiting for them port/bring a Macross game to the vita. I can hardly wait untill October.
  20. Little late to the party, but so far I'am a little underwhelmed with this series. But I'm only 2 episodes in. By the way, does anyobe know the song that plays during the news coverage of the auditions? Right before they let Freyja sighn up.
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