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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. You just like it because of the "booby" speakers! Another question. Since the VF-25 is probly going to be the new main variable fighter. Do we assume that the VF-27 will soon be the new special variable opps fighter, replacing the VF-22?What would become of the VF-19 and 22? It just bugs me that the VF-19 and 22 didn't seem to get anytime to shine, or for a better matter of speaking, have a long time in the spotlight like the VF-1 or VF-11. Hell even the VF-17 and 171 seem to have gotten more service time then them...... Am sorry if this is more of a rant then a question. I just loves me the 19 and 22, and hate that it's "outdated" now.
  2. lol. so do I. I'v got ''Too Long'' playing right now, from Doscovery!
  3. Thats a good point. I want my Interstella 5555 bluray!!!
  4. Agreed. Am not sure. I'v seen it spelled both ways but am pretty sure it's "Intersteller"(Am too lazy to check my dvd case). Edit. Your right anime52k8. It is "Interstella"
  5. I was just curious. IIRC in the TIA Macross 7 book, the line art for the cockpit of a VF-11 in Battroid, looked like a telescoping display, and video panels coming up from the sides. Also in the YF-19, since the seat rotates forward, I would have assumed the display is projected on the canopy behinde the pilot.Thanks azrael.
  6. I was beaing a smartass. Not very reliable. If your good enough and upgraded your valk, you can take out a VF-27 with a VF-1 brownie, hell probly a Spartan too.
  7. If he can keep the quality on par with "Interstella 5555", am game!
  8. What if could get some one to convience Carl Macek to keep Macross uncut the way it should be, and market it as part of a space robot block. there by destroying the Robotech franchise, and possibly making it eaiser for us to get new macross releases. Aww who am I kidding. I'd just kill him, and the Yunes.... The Time Cop movie is starting to make sense to me now, after all these years.
  9. Okay. I know the seats in some valks rotate in battroid, but where do the screens come out from? Are they in the heatshield covers, or do the sides of the cockpit have sliding video panels?
  10. What if Guld was in the VF-27? This would be after he got over his psychotic breakdown of course. When I was choosing I had it my mind my respective wingmen would be in the latest or upgraded valks. And Brera wasnt so much a jerk after the slave chip was broken. He seemed somewhat humble. Macross Ace Frontier disagrees with you.
  11. I was going to choose Brera too, but I think Guld could take him out if he pushed himself to his limit.
  12. I really need to learn how to read japanese.
  13. Whoa-whoa-whoa! Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Some of us appreciate the translations, and understand it takes time and hard work to get a proper translation. So please dont stop on the account of one curmudgeon.
  14. I got into it too, by accident. Now I'm sorta hooked on the manga. And the new OVA Ala Alba is pretty good too. As it takes place right at the end of the School festival/Chao arc, and the beginning of the magical land story arc.
  15. I would have thought you would use that chance to get rid of him and secure your chances with Nanase even further. As for me. I would take Guld,Isamu,Kakizaki,Max,Millia,Micheal, and Klan-Klan for wing mates.
  16. No. I did too. I thought it was going to be a joke a tread like the (If I remember correctly) "Only in Macross" thread.
  17. Ohh Gubaba. Where will your Nanase fixation take you too next?
  18. "Speakerpod Penatration" were two words (or is it 3?) I never thought i would see in the same sentence, 'till i came here.
  19. Ah, the beauty of poor story ploting!
  20. Wouldn't it look like the SDF-1 in DYRL, just not as detailed, I would assume?
  21. +1 Zing! I can't choose. I love them all. Each Idol/songtress/songster made me fall for them. From Minmay's Love drifts away, to Sharon's Information High. Hell Ranka's Ai Oboete Imasuka~Bles the little queen version had me mesmorized, and I nearly wet myself with a joygasim when I heard the Nyan~Nyan service melody. I love em all........even english fire........................................just joking.................................
  22. I got that feeling too. But then I saw how she pilots and realized it could not be. On a side note. since the Evil series was supposed to be Protocultures ultimate weapon, before they were taken over by the protodevlin. Could the evil series stand up to the vajra (protodevlin possessed or not), if for some reason the protoculture went to war with them?
  23. Yes you can! Mythbusters proved it! But in the end, it's still a piece of crap, no matter how pretty it shines.
  24. Do you think it would be only a matter of time before/if they upgrade the 19 and 22's to incorporate the ISC buffers and what nots, like they did for the ol' VF-1's? I think if they did they could probly give the 25 and 27 more run for there money.
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