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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I'm deeply sadden by this news. And that cosplayer was hot. Oh well here's a Sheryl one then.
  2. We better start posting some art before the mods get mad. Gubaba I know you have some good Nanase stuff. Care to share? I'll start.
  3. It's all about perspective taksraven. Perspective. And Devil spelled backwards "Lived," so I dunno Taksraven.
  4. I apologize. I did not mean to offend. I retract what I posted.
  5. If it was the Ryo-Ohki series, it was his sister that looks like his mom. Plus he bacame a god already didn't he (tenchi)?
  6. That is so totally a bullet! You know, when I drew that. I had no idea how old she was, untill 2 years later when I finally saw M7. I forget she is technically a loli,but so were alot of other Macross girls.In forsight, maybe I'am little creepy? So heres another, more innocent Mylene pic.
  7. can someone post screen caps of all the load screen pics?
  8. You mean her awesome "boobs" that bring us hopes and dreams Actually, I will take it as a complement. I copyed that pic from a doujinshi Potato Masher 7.Theres alot of doujinshi artiest that I think are good, but most of there material is XxX. But the art is good none the less. Heres a old MPluse pic I did (I really need to do some MF ones).
  9. I don't remember either, just it's when Sheryl is telling Alto, her breasts can give hope to others (men)
  10. Oh come on. I'm not that creepy. At lest I don't have a loli-meltradi-con fetish like others. And thanks. I just hope the mods dont get mad at it. It's from the series, afterall.
  11. Heres an old MII pic I did back in Jr.High. I'v been thinking of redoing it.
  12. I still wouldnt mind being in the middle of that mix though.
  13. I actually wouldn't mind Shery l biting me. Since every one has M7 on mind, heres an old pic i drew many blue moons ago. Hope you guys enjoy.
  14. Well that and "Guvava" sounds like some exotic fruit. Well I was watching the 25th episode of MF again, and I got to wondering. When Alto was talking to Sheryl with Ranka, to encourage her to sing again. Where they talking telepathically, through the fold quartz earrings/V-type virus (correct me if I am wrong on that one please)? I would think if they were they would be unaware of there surroundings (this would be more dangerous for Alto since he is piloting). Would this also be there astral projections of each other, kinda like in Evangelion, were they were talking about the "Selves" that other people preserved them as("This is the me that everyone sees me in there mind")?Also, in the final battle were the astral images of Sheryl and Ranka seen by Grace or anyone else, or were they just for dramatic purposes. I would assume Grace saw them too, if so, then one would think other people/Vajra saw them too.
  15. They like the power they hold over us. Thats why. I want her version soooo bad.And the worst thing is theres no full version of it to rip from the dvds to hold us off.
  16. I actually have a decent quality version (a little low on the volume maybe), that I edited together from the first OVA and the last OVA, so I wouldn't get the 19's engine thrust in it. I was just wondering if they ever released a official one so I can get rid of my old one.Thanks for the info Gubaba, and since I have you here. You know if they ever release a Mylene only version of "Light the Light"? I loved her version, that she sung when Gamlin was being controlled by the protodevlin, and was going crazy in his 17.
  17. I think Nene's cuter.
  18. Hey Gubaba,Do you know if they ever officially released the english version of "Voices" from the manga OVA 1 tape/dvd? Or am I still stuck with my edited together MP3?
  19. You know I started reading this, wondering "Lets see how he's going to bring it back to VFX2 topic." You do not dissapoint my good friend.
  20. As do I!! Thank you everyone for your input. I also am starting to think that each fleet/colony maybe will adapt there own main fighter. But I have another question. Since the fleets operate almost autonomously now. Would, lets say a new fighter is developed on earth or what not. Would the colony fleets (like Frontier, and just for the heck of it Galaxy for example) be informed on this new development (like in M7 with the 19 and 22s information being sent to be made for emerald force and for Max and Millia) to produce if they wished to, or would it be a "if you guys want to know you have to call us" sorta thing?
  22. No problem. Glad to help you out anyway I could!
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