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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Does anybody have a pic of this sketch?
  2. I assume to a Protoculture Shangri-La, where you can drink all the Yoshinol you want, and your neighbors are Misa, Hikaru and Minmay, along with the rest of the populance from SDF-2 Megaroad.Roy is alive still, drinking still, flying while intoxicated still. Alto is with both Sheryl and Ranka and Micheal is still alive and healthy with Klan. Isamu is there with Myung and Guld raceing dino-bird gliders. Basara is still rocking with the rest of Fire Bomber and there is no such thing as "English Fire" nor "Robotech" .... ...Wait that might be my Shangri-La.
  3. Me too. I love the final episode. The dogfighting and most of all Shin and Sara's final moments together. And when Shin drops into the ocean and comes out and folds.
  4. The opening of Macross Plus. When Isamu takes out almost all of the renegade Zentradi. I just got into Macross after discovering it through robotech. I was also in a model shop looking at all the macross models of Valkyries I've never seen before (all my Macross knowledge was through robotech, and whatever I could find on the web in the school computer lab). I see a VHS of M plus, and decide to buy it after reading the front cover and putting together the "Macross" in Macross plus's title, with the "Macross saga" from robotech. I foolishly thought this was the Japanese version of robotech (god I was so naive back then). I went home watched it and realized this was not robotech at all but something new and much,much better. Within the opening sequence I was a Macross fan. I forgot/sold everything of robotech I had, and became a Macross Purist. But never will I forget that feeling I had when I saw Isamu kick ass in his Thunderbolt. Best/closest way I can describe it, is like being on a roller coaster going down a steep drop while having a orgasm of pure joy, well making out with your special someone. Pure unadulterated blissful happiness. I found nirvana in that VHS tape. Then soon enough, I was able to replicate that feeling with every Macross series/movie/ova from that point on till today (except with Macross II though. It was eh-eh)
  5. For some reason I'm picturing him as Grace.
  6. Hey Tommy and Steve Yune are very busy people! Look at how long it took them to make Shadow Chronicles 3000.
  7. Thats the best damn avatar yet, next to Jasonc "OL'Sourpuss" one!
  8. Why does all the good stuff go down when am at work?
  9. Sunnuvabitch......Thats not funny, thats mean....Alright...It is a little funny. In a mean sorta way.
  10. Well if I remember correctly. Oska is beaing attacked by two "American" "Air Gear Kings". And one is a mech head. And Yoshitsune and Benkei come up with a plan. Leading to the whole Macross reference. Which even after reading the chapter, i don't get myself.
  11. I think this one is more straight to the point.
  12. Sorry to bring up a old thread I just couldn't resist. I was reading air gear, and 'bam!' Macross reference! Perhaps Oh-Great is a Macross fan also?
  13. They bring out inspiration from people. Sheryl said so herself......Well, at lest thats the story am sticking with
  14. Wow. I just had a flash back of elementry school.
  15. I always figured it was because there where chambers,to let the air travel to them, but that doesn't really work for the YF-21/22 since the engines are in the back.
  16. I asked that question myself once. Gubaba told me not to over think it, and something about Titanic and Kate Winslets breasts, and DYRL Zero G love music montage and Minmays breasts. I assume the answer is there, somewhere, but I havent figured it out yet. Question time: I know the YF-21 could eject it's limbs if need be (From which we saw in the OVA and movie). Was this feature also implicated in the VF-22 Strumvogel, since there designs are pretty much identical? Also this is probably getting to technical/nit-picky, but are the YF-21/22's engines located in the back pack? If so, I noticed the intakes don't appear to directly lead to the engine pack (for the YF-21) since it's legs appear to be housed just behind them. So when in fighter mode and it's limbs are still intact/ejected how do the air intakes make a connection to the main engines?
  17. Dude you got waaaaay to much time on your hands. And I was called creepy. I do like the groups shots though. The Klan pics scare me though.
  18. I'll try, but it wouldn't let me upload the bigger version yesterday...... Success!!!
  19. It says the link is broken.
  20. You know. I have a nice Sheryl pic, but for some reason it wont upload. Edit. I had to save it as a gif for it work.
  21. What he said. Ditto And can we get a bigger pic of it?
  22. You win Care for some asprin for that headache?
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