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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Especially non lolicon one's. I have a quick question. When Alto severed the Vajra Queen's head, would it grow back? Or is she permently decapitated?
  2. How do I get that skill to work? I have it equpit to my co-pilot and mysel, but still no dice.
  3. You know. I'v been lurking here for a awhile reading. And I wanted to give Capt Christopher Donovan benifit of the doubt. I mean Gubaba tried to help him out, and many many more but 'am calling shenanigans on him and also a possible troll. I mean if I were to go to RT right now and pull the stuff he has done here, well I'd be banned by MEMO or someone eles for disrupting the flow of conversation or being a troll myself. We have been more then tolorate to him.He hasn't been banned or anything, Yet he acts like were oppressing him.I'm sorry shenaigans.
  4. Quick question.How do I build up my defense. It seems that the more I play, the more my defense stays the same. I thought if I shoot down missiles launched at me would help, but still. My defense stat stays the same.
  5. I want to know, why he hung himself? What did he say in his note/will? Why would such a gifted person take himself out? Why? He will be missed though. But why?
  6. I remember a few months back on RT.com, they were saying he played a RT song in one of his skits. Stage Fright instrumental IIRC. Maybe some one on the show is a Macross/RT fan perhaps?
  7. Do you recommend playing the extra missions from the two passwords, to get extra nyan nyan pionts? I noticed I get like1158 everytime I play them and lose, so I can just imagine if I win one. The only drawback I noticed is that your heart level with everyone decreases after each loss.
  8. Awesome. So it wasn't just me. Thanks for the head's up. Also can you get rid of the limiter if you use a specific unit a certain amount of times,like in MAF? I'v been using the Tom Cat, but am maxed with the limiter on, even though I have more tune pionts for it.
  9. Of course! Only a genius could take 3 good independent (of each other) anime series; and cobble them together into one giant mega series of mediocracy. Yes only a genius, an evil genius could.
  10. Just a quick question on the customizeable BGM. Is there certain requirments the song have to have (like MB size, MP3,WAV ect.). I tried putting in Kimi ni todoke and Holy Raz from Mac 0 but it wont play them, but it plays my other customized songs. I put other songs in the same folders, that those two were in, and they worked, but nothing for those too and a few others. I'v switched them and rebooted my psp, but they wont play. Does anybody know why?
  11. 2 more years Roy. 2 more years.
  12. No your not. I'm a addmited Macross whore. I pretty much will get/buy anything as long as it pertains to Macross (thats how I ended up buying Fire Bomber American ). Now the real problem is trying to keep the cash flowing to support my addiction.
  13. Gubaba.....THANK YOU!!!
  14. How do you carry them over? I'v got alot of tune points from MAF I'd like to carry over. Also how do I buy the limiter from the nyan nayan shop, so I can max out my stats?
  15. I alway felt we were a side character in the era's. And we were hushed,hushed, like how Shin's story was covered up in Mac 0. But I just try not to over think it. And like Graham said, just enjoy it while blowing poo up.
  16. Think you can possibly put up the save file for some of us to download?
  17. I swear Gubaba your the bestest friend anyone could ask for!! You always have my back!! Thankyou!!! Edit: Gubaba you are a God (capital"G")among men!!!!! I'v been looking for this song for some time now. Now if only I could find a Mylene only version of "Light the Light".....
  18. I really want a mp3 of Burning Fire, but I don't understand this website, can someone help a non-Japanese MW member out? Thankyou in advance.
  19. Okay. I just pre-ordered the L.E of MUF. My question is, does anybody know for sure if the extra UMD is region locked? If so. I'am hoping someone will rip and post up the video to download. I dont really want to buy a region 2 psp for just one umd.
  20. Gubaba. Get a PSP and Macross Ace Frontier.
  21. Wait...Wha? How did they manage to do that, and how did they implement it?
  22. Damn. That sh!7 is dangerous!
  23. I was just watching MF episode 25 again and I was wondering. When Alto and Brera are charging towards Grace. What causes Alto's Face Plate on his helmet shatter? Was it supposed to show how fast and how strong the force was, or just anime magic to build up the moment? I mean he didn't hit anything nor did anything hit his 25.
  24. That must be a very time consuming job.
  25. Wow. I didn't know that. I'm a lilltle less dumb now. thanks for the heads up veffidas.
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