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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I just finished watching Gurren Lagann a 2nd time, and damn it just never gets old, and seems to get better!
  2. Yeah we do, well her jaw line down. She was the principal at the school she was teaching at before she went to rescue Simon.
  3. I was kinda hoping for that too in the epilogue, but felt it might be wrong, since she was in love Kamina and Simon with Nia. Did Yoko like Kittan too? In the fake worlds I got the feeling she did sorta like/care for him, seeing how on the t.v she was marring him, and plus she let him kiss her and hold her, before he went to destroy that anti spiral machine thing.
  4. True. It's just that it feels to me, that it ended to soon. I know she will always be with him like Bro. I just wish she lived, and they both spent there days together growing old with each other. Still the ending all in all was good. And the series probably wouldn't have made me feel the way it does, if it didn't end the way it did. It was a heartfelt ending IMHO. Yeah, I think that is what makes me like the series. Even though they are able to be strong and fight the good fight, and seem almost invincible at times, there not. And they can die.
  5. Yes it is....Well more like bitter-sweet. There love transcended time and space. And there love will never die. I agree. But still. It's sad that Simon and Nia wont have kids, grow old together, and do all things that two people whoes love is so pure do.That he, Simon, has to wait until he dies to be together again, with her and Bro' and the rest of the guys. I find the ending sad, yet fitting. Damn this series really touches you, when you get in it.
  6. That was exactly the feeling. When I sat down, I was, okay lets see whats this is about. I hope it's okay. Then as soon as I started watching it. It was like I was 10yearold all over again. I got a marathon going. Watching all 27 episodes non stop. Because I wanted to see how it all turned out.Man, I havent felt that way with a anime series since Evangelion and the there movies. I'm happy that this series is around. Like I said it goes with my top anime picks. I just wish the ending was a little different. I mean it is a great ending, but to me it was still so sad.
  7. It was just...just ...Wow. It was so awesome. I hadn't seen a new series that made me feel the way Gurren Lagann did in a long time that wasnt a Macross series. The twists and turns in story telling. And the finale. Am so in love with this series. I want more.
  8. Okay I just finished watching the series for the first time and.....Wow. This series definitly goes into my all time favorites. I did not think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. I loved the ending yet still kinda hated it (if that makes sense) I mean But still the final few episodes brought tears to my eyes. Now are the movies different from the t.v series, and are they officially available in the US? God I love this series so much now
  9. Well guy who loves Macross 7 very much I did try and no go.Sad thing was, I was going to back it up on my PC, but put it off. The corruption wouldn't even let me save period. I had to delete the corrupt file in order to just save a new game. I just downloaded a new save file from gamefaqs that was as close to where I was. But it's not the same.
  10. Aw man. The most worst thing has happened to me. My save got corrupted, and I lost all my data. All my Valks I took time to max out. All my support characters and Co-pilots, and Bridge crew I took time to max out....Gone, all gone. Am so sad right now.
  11. Cool. I think am going to finish maxing my VF-2SS, then put some work on my VF-1S, then head over to SDFM. Graham have you tried using the Koieng Monster to SS those missions in SDFM and DYRL? I'v found a leveled up monster can destroy pretty much everything ( those machine guns especially).
  12. Am still on Mac 0. Same as you Graham. I got a SS on all campaigns except on the the were I have carry the AFOS's head. I have a S on that one. I'm about, soon going to start SDFM. Any tips /things I should beaware of?
  13. Same here. i just get the google broken link page. The mods probly deleted the post, knowing Robotech.com (that better Pete?)
  14. Not computer smart enough to do that, nor have a computer capable of doing that. And besides. If I did that what would I complain about?
  15. You got me there. Anythings better then RT. But I still like animego's subs more, overall. From what I'v seen thus far ADV's are "meh". I'll watch more and see if my opinion changes. But I still hate ADV for F'ing up the Macross pronunciation.
  16. God D****.....I hate you ADV. Why fix what was not broken. I mean "Mah-cross " is bad enough. But after watching the 1st episode, I was wondering why the translation on subs were different from what I remembered. I though maybe it was becuase I hadn't seen them in awhile.And then I was wondering why the subs are sooo fricken big, almost taking/filling half the t.v screen at times.Seriously I hate you ADV.
  17. I'll tell you how. The'll sick MEMO on him for causing site disruption, and ban him. Also just got my ADV Macross episodes, ans was wondering...did they change the sub from the animego release on these?
  18. Oh My God!!! 72 hours playing this game and I'm still only in the Macross Zero era!
  19. Hey Graham, is the guide book easy for english only people? If so I wouldn't mind buying one.
  20. Wow, Happy. You are quite the popular girl. Seriously, what is smoking? Must be good, if he feels it's making him present valid logical thoughts about this here HG/Gubaba/Happy/MEMO/"whatever kookieness he has left" conspiracy theories.
  21. Damn! 'Am gone for a few days and all craziness breaks lose. So what this about Gubaba having an afair together with Happy and MEMO?
  22. What made Millia switch back to him?
  23. Ok. But what gets me is the irony of that in RT, they pronounce "Macross" just fine. But low and behold. In the ADV dubbs, I get "Mah-cross". And Gubaba Your right about ADV. Like 97% of there dubb works suck's (I cannot stand Tiffany Grant! ). But still I feel there was no eccuse to mis-pronounce "Macross". All they had to do was watch the subb version, or heaven forbid RT to hear how it should be pronounced. And for the time is money for ADV. They'v never been good managing time nor money. Look at the mess there in now.
  24. It's like ADV and HG were deliberately trying to screw up the english dubb.
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