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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I see. It might be, because I'm hungry, but that chicken sandwich from the video, looks mighty good right now.
  2. I have never ever heard of "jollibee" . 'splaine please.
  3. I mentioned that in the anime currently watching thread. When I heard it, I face palmed. Robotech and Itano circus in the same sentence. Really? Yeah it did. Apperently he did it in a show called "Ro-Bo-Tech" and he became famous because of it.
  4. What about the pin point barrier'ish punch to Pluton?
  5. I could be wrong. Like I said, I think it was Odd one Out, I know be human for sure.I know they were comparing odd one out to Dragonball (the guy looks a little like Gohan, and the girl Videl), so I could have gotten it confused.
  6. You serious? That has got to be the stu.......Well... it is Robotech and HG....So yeah. It does make sense.
  7. It was in the extras in the blu-ray, they were talking about the making of each episode, and I believe it was in the "Odd one Out" and also in "Be Human". They were talking about the Itano circus and the Cyclones designer of Mospeada. But the guy in the interview only mentions them as being made famous in Robotech IIRC. I wanted to smack him through my t.v. Not once did they do this but three times. No mention of Macross and Mospeada,just Robotech(Again in thise two shorts IIRC).
  8. Currently watching Halo Legends. Did anyone else catch the Robotech blerp about the "Itano Circus" ?
  9. And yet I bet you, there would still be a fair amount of RT fans still lining up to take there turn. Damn, now I have a picture of Macek in a thong in my head. Thanks alot VFTF1 And Happy, it is wrong. Terribly wrong.
  10. I know I'd be more inclined to support them, if they made this move.
  11. They are a little annoying, but overall I feel thay can be looked over. Remind you I already have seen the series fansubed, so I can overlook it. With that blu ray rip set, they do have "kareoke" subs on some episodes. It's kinda a mix bag. Some songs are "kareoked" some are not all in the same episode. Well some episodes all songs are "kareoked", well others non are. Geez what a douche. I already expected low standards with the subs when I made the purchase. But for the most part, they were pretty good. If I had to, I'd buy the again. I also have the whole series fansubbed from Lunar. God, I wish they would release Mac F in the U.S.
  12. Eh. I still loved. Sure the T&A is outrageous, and the action did get old from time to time, but dammit, I still loved it.
  13. I got those. Video quality is really good. But the subs, well very good for the most part have a tendecy to freez then all flash at once on the screen one after the other to fast to read and pause, and read. I played them only on my PS3 so I have no idea if they work on my computer's dvd rom, and am to lazy to fetch them and try. When I do I'll post the results.
  14. Loved it. Awesome fights awesome music!
  15. Quick question. How do you pronunce VF-171? Is it "VF-Seventeen One" or "VF- One Seven One"? Also which one is more superior, the original non dumbed down version, or the newer mass produced ones? The older ones are older, but they seem to have better performance IMHO, then then the newer ones.
  16. I personally got nothing against Pizza, since I just take whatever he says as a grain of salt. I'm just surprised he was posting here, and being tolerable. I feel that my judgement of him will be based on what he does from here on end. Hopefully he'll become a contributing member with tolerance towards those who disagree with him. Well....time will tell I guess. But you don't go into the lions den with meat pants, so maybe there's hope for him.?
  17. I cannot find words to display my feelings of utter disbelief/disgust.
  18. Wait Pizza the Hutt is posting here, and actually being modest....... Just how long have I been gone, and which demension did I beam too!?
  19. I'll be your droog and 2nd Clockwork Orange
  20. How is that even possible? When Robotech is just the bastard child of Macross and to other shows hacked into one! Not only that, but there not even good bastard children, there more like mentally disabled bastard children from some incestuous relationship that never should have occurred. If anything Robotech takes the lead from Macross. What the hell kind of white pony is this guy riding!?
  21. I remember reading an article in Wizard magazine's sister anime mag. many, blue full moons ago. Where Macek stated that the reason Macross was becoming so popular again in Japan, was because of renewed interest in Robotech. Needless to say I was shocked and disgusted with the man's arrogance.
  22. I have a question. If I upgrade my PS3's hard drive. Will I still be able to log into my PS3 account, and keep all my games and videos, i bought from the PSN store? I'm tempted to upgrade my PS3 to a 500gb HD or a 1TB HD.
  23. I just heard it. It is awesome. Question. What is the relevance of Kamina's emblem (and Dai Gurren emblem also) in the beginning of the series? When there having the big battle with anti-spirals? I just noticed it watching the series for a 3rd time.
  24. I already have them and Mina no Peace ( I got them off of mp3 raid). I personally love "Libera Me From Hell" I listen to it a few times a day.
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