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Everything posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. I got it about 10 years ago iirc. It looks legit. The Packaging is in Japanese, the only english is the subbs.
  2. You know. I have Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me on a vcd, and it has a official bigwest sticker if I remember correctly. It's also subbed in english....very good. To good to be bootleg imho.
  3. Pre-ordered mine from NCSX. I may not understand Japanese, but when has that ever stopped me before? By the way is the game packed with it a a full game or similar to Ace Frontier, and then later on well get a more complete game like Ultimate?
  4. Awesome!!!!Just pre-ordered!!! Thanks for the link Keith!!
  5. I still want a Mylene only version of Light the the Light.
  6. What does the cover look like. I'm looking for a good subbed set of Mac F dvds.
  7. I don't know if it's only me. But I get the feeling that the Gamma would be the end result, if a Alpha ever raped a VF-4 Lighting.
  8. No I didn't. I found all these on various image search sites, and using google. Thought I'd share the swag with my fellow Macross Worlders.
  9. ...... Yeah.. I can see that.
  10. I don't fear them. Back when 1up.com just started' I had the honor of being the first poster to receive a custom title along with a custom color. Some mod/admin/board staff, had not only a sense humor but irony. They saw my user name had something to do with Macross, so they gave me a pink custom title of "Carl Macek's Lover". That lasted for a loooong time, and I had to explain to posters what it meant, and got into a few tiffs with some posters who thought I was a RT supporter ( I was a Macross Purist by then, and disliked Macek and RT ) After that, I don't think there is a custom title any worst, that can be given to me.
  11. Hmmmmmmmm. That would be the custome title curse you were telling me about, right Gubaba? Guess I should be happy I'am still a Bridge Bunny, and thank god it'll be a looooong time before I hit Nuker of gay space whales.
  12. You know when I first saw the dub, from the preview disc, from New type. I thought I was pronouncing Macross wrong all these years for a split second. Then realized that it was just ADV terrible dubbing.
  13. Thank you Seto. Hmmmmm..... I remember not to long ago, HG sending out certain letters of a cease and desist nature, to certain online shops selling certain Macross products. Claiming that the import products would hurt there line of products, causing a loss in sales.... Now HG is importing some of those said items themselves. So there cool with selling import Macross merchandise, as long as there the ones doing it? Hypocrisy much HG? Well on the bright side, the Kaiyodo figures will probably be many times better then those horrible super possibles they had some time ago. Also, if there doing that, does this mean they'll eventually start selling yammies on there site? I mean if they did, they could re-package them as "The Re-masterpiece Collection". I mean they looooove rehashing there products, so it would be perfect for them, all that has to be done, is have Tommy do some new fan art for the boxes and done. I better stop before I give them idas.
  14. Where could I possibly find that at?
  15. I'm sorry. The dubb is horrible to me. I only got them so I can watch them subbed, as to avoid wear and tear on my animeigo copies.
  16. 'am MacrossSkullOne on PSN
  17. Well to be fair....If you get the new update (which is mandatory if you want to use any online play or access the PSN store ect) you can no longer run Linux or any other Operating system now.
  18. Thanks for the answer Seto. Another question. What would be the pro's and con's of caseless vs cased, vs beam? I always assumed that Gamlin's gunpod from D7 was just a regular gunpod and the reason the shot was different, was because of the tracer. What was the color? Red?
  19. Does the VF-22 also have the ability to jettison it's arms and legs, like the YF-21? Also I noticed that they list two gun pods for the VF-22. The "GV-17L" and "BP-14D". What is the difference. All that I see is that one is mentioned as "cartridgeless".
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