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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. That Falcon is incredibly awesome. Though I would never dare to buy it because of that sick amount of parts. It would just end up in the closet for the rest of my life, haunting my mind in the nights
  2. Thanks for the info Mike
  3. Yeah, and/or that planet too
  4. I assume it will take some time until it's time to pay for this, especially when I'm almost the last one on the list? I just have to think now what other stuff I can order... It might be hard to give any estimated time for this, but I believe it will not be that soon.
  5. Heh, that sounds really logical John, I decided that the Regult needs a pilot, so please change my order to 1 normal set. Thanks. That means no movie version regult for me then. But the blue one is really good looking anyway
  6. This is a strange thread
  7. Sdf-1


    Yup, you're right about the eyes. They're propably the hardest thing to get right.
  8. Sdf-1


    Nice to see progress on Frank Sar Care to make some digital editing on that again? I mean, like before, to see how it will look with the cap and so on.
  9. It's a fan art pic, I saw it not long time ago on someones deviantart gallery. I think there were other ones too in this realistic & impressive style. Yeah, I searched a bit, it should be this guy: http://ukitakumuki.deviantart.com/gallery/...rowse&offset=48 Assuming he really IS the author of those pics. But I believe he is. I checked the gallery quickly, it may be so that there weren't other Macross pics.
  10. Again, it looks VERY nice Lestat JÄTTEBRA!
  11. Yup, Just received my first Valk two days ago, shouldn't people like me have the possibility to get the Valks we want? You know, I don't have the money to buy every valk at one time, so I just can hope there will be normally priced ones in the future too, so I can get one from time to time... Maybe a few altogether. I don't really care what's the money in that stuff (is this some kind of money investment?), for me it's a possibility to have some really nice toys/collectibles from your all-time favorite anime.
  12. Oh, I forgot about your enquiry about Macross series on the other thread on your "VF-S1" (which coincidentally, is actually a VF-1A by the head model, not a VF-1S if that is what you meant). This Macross is the redesign featured in the 1984 Macross Movie, "Macross: Ai:oboeteimasuka" (Do You Remember Love?). The Macross featured far greater detail and design evolution and also used the ARMD carriers (also redesigned) instead of the Daedelus and Prometheus. 364356[/snapback] I don't remember asking this kind of stuff, and I don't know anything about that vf-s1/vf-1a stuff either I think you've got the wrong person now Edit: Yup, at least the Valk thread was by wongster, not me Hmm, you may have accidentaly quoted the wrong person or something. Hey take it easy with that mod, you should get some sleep too
  13. Thanks AlphaHX, this looks very good on my desktop My Godzilla one had to go
  14. I would be too very interested what source/reference material you guys have used for those models & textures?
  15. Yeah, I guess it's much because of many of you guys have seen Robotech (luckily I haven't ) when you were kids, so there's nostalgy and memories in it. And you have later found the real thing. For me, the movie is more familiar, I still have the finnish vhs from about '87. It's a swedish dub with finnish subs, and it's so crap you can't even understand the whole story. But it's a funny coincidence I bought it so long ago. I was about 20 when I saw an ok sub of it. And basically that's the point where I became a fan. I bought the series afterwards because I wanted to find out what I had missed, and luckily there was the (australian version of) animeigo release. So you can imagine how different approach I've had on the whole Macross thing. I like the series very much too, of course, and it was amazing discovery for me at that time, since it was all new to me that it even existed.
  16. Oh wow That's just incredible! Btw John, this armor won't fit in dyrl theme, right? If I'm correct the movie soldiers are completely different, and quite strange actually. I was just thinking if I'm going to paint that Regult green, I can't use your pilot then. Well, I'm sure it will be awesome without the pilot too
  17. Thanks! I found some (other?) nice pics: http://members.thai.net/xzgmusic/macross/M...SS+++img038.jpg http://www.pocketcg.com/gallery/cg/lisa.jpg Oh yes and here's just amazing pic of Britai: http://sonimf.s27.xrea.com/gaz/macross.jpg
  18. Any chances on 1280x800 Dyrl wallpapers? Or how about some Zentraedi stuff? Might be a bit hard to find that hi-res images from the movie though. But there should be some nice Dyrl posters and stuff around the net. I'll try to find something myself too. I must get photoshop too so I can join the Wallparties
  19. Give it a try in the Fan works section
  20. The Woody one? I think I'll pass
  21. Yummy Hmm..?
  22. I think we would be lucky to have ANY sdf-1 in the future. I have seen pics of that kinda scale valks, though. Some glassfiber commercial props or something.
  23. Yeah, but they must make the movie version too Heh, 7 foot, I wish... That would be like one YEARS money to me Wow, I see it coming, a lifesize Sdf-1 theme park
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