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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Thanks Honneamise, these are good news to me anyway. I know now at least some of those are worth buying.
  2. Yeah, I'm going to get those old destroids & stuff at some point. But hey can someone tell what kits are these here? I thought they're those old kits, but now I started to suspect that?!? IMO pretty awesome models there. And now when I looked more carefully, there could be some findings?!? Like 1/72 GBP..? I'm not enough expert here. The Macross section is in the middle of the scroll bar... Comments please.
  3. Yeah, I guess it's the same everywhere (except Japan/Asia )At least we had Neon Genesis Evangelion on tv over here. Though, I believe it is the only actual anime series that's been on (non-pay) tv here. If we forget dubbed Pokemon, Digimon, Hamtaro, Duel masters, Beyblade.......
  4. Yep, last post Dec 28 2004. Not very useful if it's not even pinned, I see that thread for the first time myself now. Something should be done to this model gallery problem, as been said.
  5. Yeah! In fact it's the first one that gives me that feeling besides the good old stuff. Though I don't know anything about Macross zero. Yet, at least. I'm quite sceptical when it comes to new Macross series...
  6. And not to mention that marriage doesn't necessarily have to do anything with having children, these days.
  7. Yep John, unfortunate mishap, and that extra work too.
  8. ? What did happen then?
  9. Doh! Yes I knew it was familiar from somewhere.
  10. They should do it. Now let's start a petition to Big West/Tamiya Oh, btw, that's from Steel Battalion in your avatar? I like them, they have such a realistic warmachine feel.
  11. Nah, sorry. They really seemed to be already in Gunze colors, when I searched a bit
  12. Except Old Grades
  13. Tamiya makes tanks... Tamiya makes destroids... Oh yeah
  14. Oh man... That just can't be accidental...
  15. Now THAT sounds amazing!
  16. Well, I don't get it how are people supposed to learn modeling if they can't ask, whatever they wonder... There aren't many so complex hobbies as models.
  17. Pretty details...
  18. What?!? Edit: Unless it was because of some of the words in your post.
  20. Ahh, sweet taste of coffee... with SWEAT?!?
  21. Yep, exactly my thoughts. In general.
  22. And needless to say; bad guys...
  23. Saddam would've preferred N-gers I think
  24. Yeah, that seems to be true indeed. I hope it gets some progress soon. At least there's a lot of talented people around here to make it
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