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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Man that Hikaru doll is just wrong... Could be a LOT worse though.
  2. Sounds VERY familiar...
  3. Primer ate through plastic? Wrong type of primer.
  4. Already posted recently in http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17773
  5. I don't know if this is old one for you guys. But here's something very cool for people who don't mind the price... Robofie Edit: Link to volks http://www.volks.co.jp/jp/robofie/products/products.html
  6. Nice. Too bad it was spoiled for me...
  7. It was a while when I checked this thread last time, and now it's like this. Not that I would complain...
  8. Whoa... What a mystery...
  9. Well I might go for that too, but what about this distance for shipping instructions afterwards... Umm, could they be just downloaded or something? Yep, and the decals would be still there with the kit already?
  10. Wow, you were able to get the price less! Heheeh, I don't wanna know the shipping cost to over here... Finglish edited
  11. That?!? No way!
  12. Wow, that's great stuff! I've missed the whole thing. As I've never played an online game at all, I'm trying to check there how can I actually join etc... Hope people don't mind a complete n00b over there...
  13. That monster will propably eat our dog... Hehee, I wanna walk that thing out to poo
  14. "Nice" to know others too have problems to make finished models. For me, I'm just so * tired all the time... It's pretty dark in the winter here in North... In the midwinter it's something like couple of hours of daylight in a day, and this is just southern Finland. In north Finland sun doesn't rise at all for months, in case somebody didn't know. Luckily I live in south, and it's getting lighter every day. But I'll get better into modeling when I'm not this lazy@$$. At the moment just buying kits and lurking on the net.
  15. Sgwqreijsdalna!?#¤=?"
  16. Ahhh... Not exactly a macro-pic though.
  17. Man, I was 3-4 years old back then...
  18. I'm mostly dyrl fan, then comes the original series (because it was really late when I was able to see it... Robotech was never over here, Macross even less). That's about it pretty much. I have Macross+, but I've watched it only once. I have to watch it more, but it didn't have that much of macross feel in it for me. It's just okay for an anime, I guess. Never seen Macross II, I will check it out, and Zero too, though I don't except that much from them. But I'll give 'em a try. M7=never. I saw like the first episode few years ago, but I don't really remember anything about it except some kind of retarded guitar battles, or something...??? It was enough M7 for me. Oh yes, and to get Flashback 2012 is on my list definitely.
  19. The way I was thinking, it still is kinda custom from the old Q-rau. It's based on it's design afteral.
  20. Funny, I saw that for the first time today (I really don't care about M7), and I think too it's quite nice. Well, afteral it's a modded Q-rau. Taken from the finished models thread.
  21. Wow, I can't believe that even a thread about paints can go this way...
  22. Even I bought that from you Kevin.
  23. Wow, looks awesome! What I get from the comments there, it was near impossible to make, though I'd need a bit easier kit... Maybe somebody will make that someday.
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