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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Thanks, looking very cool project indeed. I believe you use parts from other kits, modify them and build the rest from absolute scratch? I want to learn scratchbuilding too! I must just build out of the box kits for now, to gain skills and experience... Too early for me to try scratchbuilding.
  2. Wow, would be awesome to see some in-progress pics...
  3. I see that is the place to get the stuff. Actually I had been on that page some time ago. Though, only on the resin casting starters kit page. Pretty cool... Only downside seems to be the prices. But I guess you get great quality too.
  4. You can thank me for that, by the way.
  5. You sound like you speak from experience. 373146[/snapback] I'm afraid that is the truth. Is this the way you make your customs Kanata? Smashing your pile of toys with hammer and hoping for some kind of new combinations?
  6. Baldrick, you seem to have a tough decission to make there. Umm, btw are you the guy from The Black Adder? LOL.
  7. Oh yes, it was just disguised as the FBI building.
  8. Sounds pretty cool actually, but is it good?
  9. Somebody should do an anime about mecha pilot's elderly days, his struggle against hurting back and shaking hands, falling asleep in cockpit in the middle of the battle. That would be so intense.
  10. Great stuff! A lot of supplies & tools to be added on my to buy list. Oh, which kind of sanding sticks/blocks etc tools do you guys use?
  11. That thing is just a GREAT idea!
  12. IMO, a green armor/gray clothing scheme would look best on these soldiers. Too bad it wouldn't be canon... Though, I could always buy one for a custom paint job in the future... Umm, now that I think, I could make a several custom schemes right away... ^^
  13. Umm, isn't there a green armor? Oh, which one would this be? Ahh, now I got it, the green is officer armor of course.
  14. I doubt you want a half built Cat's Eye! 372716[/snapback] If not, send it to ME!
  15. What kit is that Mechwarrior? Looks pretty damn good.
  16. Yep, Fx is bootleg. Worth buying because there aren't that many options. As for me, the picture quality is not good enough. Pixelation. I wonder why are people praising it then? I'm going to get the Japanese Dyrl someday, and load the subtitles for it. Though that's pretty pricy dvd IIRC, but it doesn't matter in this case. Edit: D'oh, I should've read more carefully where I was replying, I was talking about the Dyrl Fx...
  17. Oh God...
  18. Sdf-1

    Vf-s1 Project

    Looking nice! Btw, I don't know much about cg stuff, but I've been wondering could the panel lines be done with bump maps, and maybe matching line textures? I tried to play a little with 3dsmax few years ago, just for fun. Nothing more. I think actual model kits are the thing for me. But it's fun to watch other peoples different projects. Edit: You know, you could make the maps straight from hasegawa instructions?!?
  19. You should use mine, it stars me and I am awesome. 372171[/snapback] How about those that Duke Togo made? Lol.http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...20entry372084
  20. Surely you would buy Macross, Spatula? I mean, I've bought some selected GOOD ones. They're just a cool thing to have in bookshelf. Like Macross, Cowboy bebop, Trigun, Escaflowne etc... Though some other stuff I can download also. It depends.
  21. Wasn't there a Zillion game also on Master system? Not a light gun one though. You know, this is the first time I hear it's actually an anime. I just still remember the title from back then.
  22. *burp*
  23. You know, you don't make it easy to not buy this kit. yet.
  24. Good, i was sick all last week but i did not stop working..it did slow me down a bit, but not bad. I'm thinking 2-3 weeks for the first payments.....after the first kits are out i should be able to pump out about 5 kits a week, and again i will take payments in que so i do not hold on to peoples $ for too long.... mike 371896[/snapback] Souns really great Mike.
  25. Nothing special... All 4 of these currently under work. I've only just started.
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