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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. That's pretty cool.
  2. I just had no imagination... I was new to any internet forums and was quite surprised it wasn't used. Now that I think I should've chosen something a bit more original. Btw, that's a cool character. Toku is the genre? I've watched only some kaiju, actually only Godzilla so far IIRC, but I've been interested in the 90's Gamera trilogy...
  3. What the heck is going on here?!?
  4. Double post...
  5. + strike parts! Or Vf-1s Hikaru + normal fast pack.
  6. Oh? How small are these actually?
  7. Holy crap!!! I'm Finnish and I hear from you that we're the leading Destroid developement country!?! This thing is AWESOME!!! I'm just shocked this is REAL!!! (and Finnish ) That seems to be the backside of that. When I saw other pictures.
  8. You guys have really great ideas with the site!
  9. Sweden doesn't have to use much on defensive costs, because we guys over here are the ones to take the hit...
  10. Yeah, but Honneamise, do you think Vf-1 should be redesigned? Sorry...
  11. On topic, I believe every sci-fi fan dreams sometimes how would such things look in the real world, and would want to live in a world where these things were real. But not realistically, just dreaming. Oh, and where would we then escape this boring world if all of that existed.
  12. Ok, that gay mother farting post just made me think you wouldn't be that old...
  13. You could also turn into ancient Egyptian religion, and play with your Valks in the afterlife. Happily, forever with your loved ones. Oh dear...
  14. What was your age Phalanx?
  15. I think they should start building the Sdf-1 for god's sake. Would be a good place for all of us to live our elderly days onboard.
  16. Me?!?
  17. Hi Vinnie! You might be interested in this site. http://www.polykarbon.com/ Edit: too bad it seems not to be updated that much, and lots of broken links. That was a page I checked out some years ago... But there seems to be forum activity in the bbs there.
  18. Phalanx, you want them to be transformable too, do ya?
  19. Yes, they're pre-thinned lacquers for ab only, unfortunately.
  20. My thoughts exactly Roy. Vf-1 is THE legend. And in general, I love good retro stuff. Dyrl is the perfect thing in every aspect.
  21. Master Cheng, I take you meant Alclad II metal paints?
  22. Yeah, that is the page, though it doesn't solve much problems when making thin coats IIRC. Many people prefer spraying it in thin coats. But I will do some more testing on both ways to use it, thin and heavy. I was just thinking if somebody has had the same problem, and would've had something to say I don't know yet. It's not that big problem anymore, but still needs some tweaking and testing. I asked only just in case, since this was discussed now.
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