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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Man I wish I had a dollar every time I heard that You CAN do it! 377008[/snapback] Yeah, lol.I wouldn't have the patience either, but I just don't care! Seriously, that's just a skill that can be slowly improved. I'm myself working on it. And concentration etc, in addition to actual model building skills. If you really want to, you can start to learn building model kits any day! Nobody has the skills before they learn them.
  2. Heheh, yeah I was talking about the film, and possibly previous ones. Unfamiliar to me. Kaiju is good anyway.
  3. Is Negadon a good kaiju? (what a retarded sounding question... )
  4. True. But even the so called greatest classical 100 hour symphonies tend to have only little parts that I personally think are great. Yeah, they are propably valued by composing techniques and such, but I don't think good music needs to be that much analyzed before it can be considered great. Though, for example Bach was the master of polyphony, combining huge amount of independent melodies to one incredible texture of sound. Great music doesn't always need to be easy to approach either. Actually, I'm pretty much into that kind of stuff, and progressive music. Funny thing is, I think Macross score is damn progressive, in the spirit of the original progressive rock. Of course, Macross fandom affects greatly to my opinion.
  5. IIRC only the first measures are worth something... Mozart's Requiem would've been better example in classical music. Most classical music is pretty bad, repetitive and forgettable.
  6. HWR, that X-wing is out of this world. It looks exactly like the original props/models. Incredible weathering. Glad that you were able to continue work on that beauty.
  7. Exactly. Basically, my taste of music has been mostly on the heavier side (though I've expanded it a lot to other genres, and always liked for example massive orchestral tracks etc), but I can honestly say, original Macross score AND songs are the greatest music ever composed. Dyrl has also the high production quality in addition to that.
  8. Classics. Btw, how does it feel to have such a umm...person as governor?
  9. At first I was gonna call BS, but after I looked it up I'm shocked too. It looks like a GITS spider tank. We need to file this under the "we're all gonna die" section... in greener richer forests. 376868[/snapback] Yeah, seems not to be BS indeed. I Googled/image googled Plustech. There are other nice pics too, from front view also. The most amazing thing is, it's actually damn good looking.
  10. Me too. I feel so strange when looking at that. It's scary.
  11. Sell the toys and join the model party!
  12. It will be a masterpiece. Already is. Hey, I never thought about masking with pastels! What an great idea!
  13. It could've been the middle finger... Somebody should do it.
  14. I don't think you need to worry about that.
  15. So, I have only the OVA of plus, I take it I should really get the movie edition. I've read before too that it's better. Basically it was quite a surprise to me that there would be so noticeable difference.
  16. 376471[/snapback] Yes.
  17. Ok thanks Viceland, for a moment I was a little confused by Thor's post.
  18. You gotta add €uro too! Ah, it was "editable" already.
  19. I was soo confused when I finally saw the series after seeing only Dyrl many, many times.
  20. Hahah, so that's how you found it HWR! Though, I get only Munich trailer there.
  21. Ehh... Propably not. Though I wouldn't know if this Magnesium is popular over there.... (Actually I would). End of post.
  22. Which kind of metal?
  23. Um, was this a get-on-the-list thing too? I mean, I thought the list is some old info or something...? And they just will be ordered when ready?
  24. Neither did I... Sounds awesome!
  25. Heheh, I almost just replied that myself, Never done such stuff tough, but it'll be interesting to learn it. Though surely I won't use this kit as learning piece on anything (except the special acid weathering)...
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