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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Sdf-1

    Vf-s1 Project

    Ahah, you made a little signature on GU-11! Hey, how about modeling fast packs, weapons & pilot too?
  2. Sdf-1

    What The? Ohhh Wow

    Too bad, Macross 1 doesn't work. Others do. Now I need a pad. Super Nintendo's Scrambled Valkyrie is fun too btw.
  3. It's just impossible to know what were they thinking when they made that. It can be a homage to Macross, or not. I don't see any evidence in either way. Not that this would be so important thing.
  4. Is that putty or panels?
  5. Phew, I thought this was another topic about re-designing vf...
  6. Pretty cool name for a record label!
  7. Hey guys, I wanted to upload stuff, but it seems that jce doesn't work on my computer at all. Do you have some editor panel or something visible? I have nothing, when I choose to use jce.
  8. Ryo-ohki was the pet that turned into giant space ship IIRC?
  9. I think you would find Laputa a great movie, if haven't already. Oh, and Porco Rosso, since I have a hunch you are into aeroplanes and other flying things. You know, Hayao's father had an aeroplane company during WWII. Actually, was Ghibli it's name? Or was Ghibli a name of some aeroplane motor? Now somebody correct me quickly if I'm talking nonsense! Edit: the company was called Miyazaki airplane.
  10. Sure, Macross is the special thing to me, but I like anime stuff in general. Haven't watched much lately though. As said Escaflowne is cool, even it has every possible cliché. It didn't bother me, it's a great adventure/mecha/whatever series. It has pretty good music too btw, yeah and the teen angst. Good anyway. Cowboy bebop is of course one amazing anime. I liked Trigun also a lot, though it seems to be too slow series for some people. On my should-watch-list are for example Orguss, Yamato, Harlock/Herlock, Five star stories, Aquarion, Megazone 23... etc etc. A lot of stuff, I just haven't been able to get them yet.
  11. You know, I just woke up and this is the first thing I read in the morning...
  12. And blow up neighbour's car!?!
  13. Isn't it? No cencorship over here. Well not that kind at least. Am I right but in the US it is allowed only on cable pay-tv? Edit: Oh, you are from Australia I noticed.
  14. Explanations are for wimps. Seriously, I really hate when viewers are underestimated and every single thing is been explained like to a child. It doesn't hurt to leave something to be thinked about. Good Japanese anime is many times made that way. If dyrl had explained everything, I doubt it would've made such an impression on me.
  15. This would make a great book.
  16. Sdf-1


    Ah, you were in that kind of situation!
  17. Sdf-1


    Hey Sar, is the Captain still alive?
  18. Yeah, that is the biggest problem if you'd want to play a little with casting stuff.
  19. After decades, will there be anybody willing to buy toys from original Macross at all? You guys who collect them now, were fans of Macross as kids mostly, would you have bought them if you hadn't even heard about Macross? (ok...Robotech too...) And there will be huge amout of them on sale at the time, but not many buyers. Otherwise, I would've thought they'd be high priced then. Edit: Oh, Dante was faster typing than me. Yeah, my son will buy all your Valks then for almost free. (I just don't have one yet) Edit again: I just realized I can finally get them myself when I'm old shaking geek. Grandpa's Valk flying time kids!
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