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Everything posted by Sdf-1

  1. Kylwell, that link of yours shows as html code!!!
  2. Indeed, I don't see a reason why would there be scratches if you handle models normally. Does it really add the price of a kit noticeably if it's dyed, let's say grey? I wouldn't think so. Of course I might be wrong.
  3. Heheh, baffer.
  4. Colored resin is also easier to prep work I would think. White doesn't show imperfections very much. And I think MechTech meant that the possible scratches don't show up as badly as in white resin. Just guessing. I must say I'm a fan of Captain's colored castings.
  5. What huskies?!?! I suggest Iceland, equally good location for all. j/k
  6. Actually, yes.
  7. Okay okay, I've changed it. You like this one better? Cause I'm sticking with this one for a while. btw. Do you mind if I quote your last post in my sig? 386349[/snapback] Oh God... Yeah, go ahead and quote me.
  8. Dante, I can't take it anymore! Please change your avatar! Please!
  9. That is photoshopped.
  10. I've seen that defolding in the beginning. If I'm not completely mistaken, it was on some MW members sig, a link to the site of that/his project.
  11. Minmay is nice, but imo that is too much and too big there.
  12. Panzer grey would be the bluish grey seen on German tanks I believe?
  13. This topic rules! I always assumed that he is kinda black, but then again why not japanese? Or why not a black japanese? Ooor, a black Russian?
  14. Yeah and one thing that sucks is, for example I don't show there at all unless you zoom pretty closely to the area where I live.
  15. The skull and crossbone mark should be for locked threads imo.
  16. Learn the weathering techniques on some other model which isn't that important. Those tanks look very good ones for some weathering. That's what they need!
  17. Now that's interesting. I think the soft brush will mess up the drybrush work easier, and it's difficult to get the right amount of paint on it. It either leaves no paint, or too much. But they can be used on some cases though I'm guessing, and it's up to getting used to it propably. I'm in no doubt it works for you. But I prefer stiff brushes, as you said, like people usually do. The Games workshop brushes are pretty good actually, only thing is that drybrushing is quite fatal to brushes, so if I need a brand new sharp one, I have to get a new one often. And at least over here they cost IIRC about 4.50-5 euros.
  18. Guys, I have a strange feeling that there was talk about some ship in this thread.
  19. Yeah I thought that too, but the thing is, they aren't exactly the cheapest brushes. Actually I found a couple of old Games workshop brushes. I will check if I have some a bit bigger brush to cut short. Even more kits? Are you going to kill me?!?
  20. That sounds great! Though as for myself, I have to admit I haven't ever travelled almost at all, and I'm not used to it... But anyway, that sounds nice indeed.
  21. I'm in need of high quality drybrushes. Any recommendations? Let's say if I went to an ordinary art supplies store, which kind/hair brushes they would be? I ordered some brushes for that ages ago, but now when I tested them for the first time, they weren't stiff enough. There are miniature drybrushes available here, were they Citadel. But I'm not sure are they big enough for bigger work. Or which kind of sizes you guys recommend? I would think using bigger sizes don't give fine enough results?
  22. I think a 1/2500 Sdf-1 would be enough for me...
  23. Thanks for great weathering reference pics. Very impressive stuff. I hate say though, I don't know in which film that was used.
  24. Nah, order one from the Scale solutions.
  25. How about Daedalus attack?
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