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masterqq's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Looking damn good! !!!!!!!!!!
  2. very...very... Nice.. I Like IT
  3. Peneng Island, Malaysia
  4. masterqq


    Thanks guys... the wing swept stain was done under 2 min.. 1) First, I swept the wing inward to the Max 2) then I masked the area that I do not want the stain on using the fuselage as the guide. 3) next, Swept the wing open to then max and use 2B pencil to draw line to the direction of the wing sweep. 4) Use cotton bud to bland in all the pencil line... remove the mask and woola.. it is done..
  5. masterqq


    Guys.. My latest work.. Hasegawa's VF-1A.. Got this kit 2nd hand from a friend, with the cockpit done, So i Just continue the rest.. Parts fit on the legs was not very good...so lots of putty used there.. After preshade... H316 is on... I'm using the kit's decals the red and black strips, I'm not happy with it, the decal is kinda brittle and break easily, If I were to build again, I will mask and spray instead. after decal, a panel line wash with German grey... next will be putting all the small parts assembly on... Finally it is done.... a few mistake here and there.. but I'm happy with it, I hope to do a batter job for the next one.. Hope you like it..
  6. Guys... thanks for the support, and finally It is done.. Decal is on, and finally for weathering, I put on a black wash.. Next I will work on another seam fast kit, The 1/100 Arii Spartan…
  7. Thanks guys, more work done.. Construction completed, to ease the pain of seam fighting, especially on the legs, First I scrub the seam with the back of my N0. 11 blade, then I send it smooth, lastly I cover the whole surface by poking on the diluted Timaya putty, now this served as 2 purpose, first to cover the seam and as a bonus, it gave a sand casting like texture.... . basic painting is on, except the centre sensor housing... which will be painted next follow by decaling
  8. Guys, Been working on the Destroid Defender for a while...man this old kit is really a seam feast kit... a lot of nasty seam to be tackle.. more later...
  9. Have anyone started the kit, any in progress photo???? or test fit photo...
  10. Oh man.. you start to sound like Gigil... BTM, I'm OK with M7 too..
  11. macross 7 For me... and Rock with Basara in Fire bomber concert .
  12. I just finished watching the whole M7 in DVD, It was very addicting, and I finished the last 20 episodes in a day.. man.. I even watch the ending 2 more time… I must I like all the Characters and Mechas, and Most of all I love all the songs .....
  13. Guys, thanks for the encouragement.
  14. this is bandai 1/144 VF-11C...
  15. the decal is home made with the laser printer..
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