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Everything posted by soulDistortion

  1. I'd definitely love an SMS logo sticker (with or without the skull, but with the skull preferrably) to put on the back of the white PSP I just got. If you get the chance to talk to your friend in regards to it, it would be great
  2. What made it unplayable?
  3. That rainbow vacuum looks... very much like a bong in how it works. Maybe it's just me
  4. I have the DVP-642 myself, and I love it. It can play a fair amount of .avi files, so I use it to watch downloaded anime on the tv. I just burn a regular cd-r as a data disc with the .avi files on it, and I'm good to go. The only files I've had problems with are ones that were QPEL encoded. It can be had at Wal-Mart as well for ~70 bucks.
  5. It's not cancelled, it's being moved from Fuji TV to Fuji's satellite station. There won't be a new episode for a long time, because they're going to show the series from the beginning again before continuing with the story.
  6. Codec packs are probably the worst things you can install to play something. If you're playing a file that more than one codec covers, the computer can start to freak out. When people have problems like this, I usually reccommend they uninstall all their codecs (especially codec packs) and install ffdshow ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow ). It's a single filter that will handle most codecs that anime is encoded in. There's a good pinned thread over at AnimeSuki that is helpful if you're trying to watch something that ffdshow doesn't cover (like .mkv or .ogg/.ogm files): http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=175
  7. woohoo! congrats!
  8. Just letting you guys know, ep. 2 doesn't contain the dynamic scene transitions (i.e. the scratching and whatnot) that ep.1 had. It's still good though. edit: I'm not too sure as to this board's rule on linking to licensed anime downloads, but yeah, Samurai Champloo is licensed by Geneon (it was prelicensed awhile back).
  9. Ah, this. It's dissappointing once you get it, because you realize that this is nothing more than stumbling pothead logic.
  10. Hey those match the paint scemes of those older 240Z cop cars lol. That's the color scheme most Japanese police cars have, IIRC. http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~airroute/stm_p/
  11. It doesn't mean anything. That's the standard gibberish many programs use as a text placeholder for layouts.
  12. supply and demand for customers not local to japan, basically.
  13. I'm thinking that's the point. The entire purpose of the reverse-blade is to allow normal sword-wielding techniques without the typical lethal results. The sharp side isn't meant to be used very often, more as a last resort. So if it takes a little more effort to use it for it's intended purpose, it's a bit of a moot point if you're in a situation where you've got to use it in the first place.
  14. http://www.weaponmasters.com/index.html?ID...78c&ITEM=KE2044
  15. If you only get one ep to show in attempts to "wow" them, might as well go for Episode 5: Ballad of Fallen Angels.
  16. They buy them for the same reason anyone buys anything. Because they can. Unless the people buying chunky monkeys are stealing the money from your sock drawer at night to buy them, who cares if you don't understand it? I know I don't.
  17. Just as well, because neither of them would have made the fight even a fraction as interesting as the Rock Lee/Gaara fight, and really, at this point people just want the storyline to move along some.
  18. For the backpack, disassemble it and put a little clear nail polish on the hinge to thicken it up. That should help. When you get it apart, it'll be obvious what should be thickened. As for the arm armor, you can put something like tape or some other light adhesive substance behind them. What I did for my custom, was permanently attach all the armor with superglue to the valk after I painted, as well as glue the "flap" the head was designed to pass through permanently down since it was floppy as well. It works fine, and can still fully transform even with that flap glued, it just takes a little more coaxing to get the head to pass through. the attached pic was taken before i finished painting the hands and final touching up on the shoulders/arms... oh, and i don't have a digicam so this was done with a scanner
  19. Slightly on topic... more for the sanity of the board... When you guys "delete" threads, do you actually delete the threads, or just move it to where it can no longer be seen? The board I admin at also has a fairly high traffic/post rate, and threads have to be removed quite often. From what I (and a few other board admins) have found, is that when you remove a lot of threads (as in delete completely), it can sometimes cause some database problems if the db counters aren't updated after the thread is deleted (for thread numbering purposes). So, what I've noticed on a few boards, is that there is a special section that is essentially a "black hole" for posts, only viewable to mods/admins, where "deleted" threads go. This is to both keep the db happy, as well as document user behavior (in case someone seems trollish, other mods can see if there have been other removed threads without having to consult the other mods). Nothing in that section is searchable (to the public), the posts in there don't count towards users post count, etc., as if the posts/threads never existed in the first place. I know you guys already have a mod-only section, I just figured this would be a good suggestion to keep the board from going funky (i.e. wrong thread posters, wrong times) the way the old board would get on rare occassion.
  20. Ikkitousen is the only one I've seen on that list. The best way to describe it is fan-service galore. Seriously. Bouncing breasts and panty shots abound here. Often times it borders on being hentai. Plot-wise, it seems fairly standard fare: girl is a descendent of a powerful fighter, girl goes to a new place, people want to fight girl, girl fights people, girl is also fairly dumb and hijinks abound! Not exactly top-notch anime, but it kept me amused to some degree. I give it about a 6.5 out of 10 so far, as there are only a few episodes out anyways. link to someone else's review and character guide
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