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  1. http://www.japanator.com/there-she-is-miss-macross-30th-22779.phtml Miss Macross contest.
  2. Nice setup Mellow Yellow.
  3. A quick clip of me playing Macross Ace Frontier this morning. Still trying to get used to the controls and playing with one hand.
  4. Something to pass the time before Macross Ace comes out.
  5. Oh yeah! I have VFX 2 on my PSP and I never got DYRL to work right after beating the first boss to work right on it. So I am happy to see that there is going to be a PSP Macross Game finally.
  6. Nanase's new look after getting out of the hospital might drop her appeal to the fans.
  7. My friend has the white Japanese one and just plugs it in. The voltage is the same. I have a Japanese Gamecube and I never had to buy another adapter.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgON_aPWKGw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jonYb8eBEbQ Here's some videos from youtube showing how to play imports, cd-r,dvd-r on ps2 without a chip
  9. Yeah that's his name. Ninja in the Deadly Trap is cool too.
  10. The first pic has that Ninja guy who fights Gordon Liu in Shaolin Challenges Ninja. Lo Meng in Anna in Kung Fu Land (2nd picture) aka Toad 5 / Goldenarm
  11. yeah that's one of all time favorites. The other movie starring the venoms I recommend is Avenging Warriors of Shaolin, Invincible Shaolin, and Mortal Combat aka Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms. Although I grew up with the dubbs, I really enjoy the newly restored chinese version by Celestrial. The picture quality is superb. All the of the Venom gang movies are still yet to be released.
  12. I saw some episodes years ago, overall not bad and I remember the toy as Voltron-III, I almost bought the set back then. As for Fewture Getter no thanks too expensive 387416[/snapback] Albegas was actually Voltron II and the Lions were III. It was all about Mighty Orbots on ABC Saturday Mornings
  13. I didn't know this game was mentioned here. Please look in my locked post for pics and some movies in the games section. Sorry for not doing a search first.
  14. March 30, 2006 Banpresto released A.C.E. 2 for the Playstation 2 This game has mechs from the diffrent Gundam shows and it also has Macross and DYRL Valkyries. This game plays like Journey to Jaburo and other Gundam 3rd person view games. It looks cool. Here are some YouTube movies I've found. Eureka seven trailers and ACE 2 trailer for ps2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCA-3Ouo4Ew&search=a.c.e.2 Long ACE 2 Trailer I think I'll use some of my tax return for this game.
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