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Everything posted by Chicago_Collector

  1. Leader Class Jetfire is up for preorder on Amazon -- $44.99, free shipping and July 1st release date. Sweet. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001TM5X2...x_ya_oh_product
  2. The vf-25 appears to be a lot shorter than I was expecting in battloid. Can those who have it in hand please post some more pics of it posed next to the yf-21 and yf-19 battloids?
  3. I sent Joel at BBTS an email about that last week. This was his response: From: service@bigbadtoystore.com Subject: RE: Bandai Macross Frontier valkyries (LTK147010665065X) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 20:02:37 -0500 Hi - we do plan to carry these, I'm going to check with some suppliers on pricing and we'll get preorders listed soon Thanks! Joel Boblit President www.BigBadToyStore.com Your service code is LTK147010665065X. Please leave the service code in the subject line of your reply to help us track your inquiry. ======= Subject: Bandai Macross Frontier valkyries Hi Joel, Will you be selling Bandai's DX Chogokin RVF-25 and VF-25G valkyries? You can see them both at http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011802/ I have the first two preordered at BBTS, and I believe the next two are being released in March or April. Please let me know. Thanks!
  4. I think you can make out the tail end of the SV-51 in this enlarged pic. To the left of the VF-0. http://img.animenewsi.com/g/index.php?mode...00&start=16
  5. For those who preordered from BBTS, here's an email exchange I had with Joel back on Dec 27.
  6. EDIT: Nevermind, false alarm.
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