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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. People were claiming that he was showing off his joke machines because he kept bumping his own threads showing his collection of joke machines off. Then someone proved him wrong that his collection wasnt the best that there was. Datterboy wanted the rep of being KING of joke machines. It became a flame war and got quite insulting on both sides. After that Datter never really posted anymore and now this. So I don't think we should point any fingers here saying somebody is an "A" hole.
  2. Just finished talking with Datterboy on IM. I asked him why he is being so rash on giving up collecting Macross toys and that his thread is much talked about. He told me that he has nothing against Yamato but that he couldnt compete with all the other collectors out there. The many release is just overwhelming him. He also mentioned that he was really upset about the Jokemachine thread topic a while\back ago. He didnt like the fact that he was not considered the KING of joke machines. Having the most and best of it. I am sure he may come back but for now he just wants to be left alone.
  3. mmm...its okay. i commend you for being different. i dont think i have ever seen a different color ostrich before. maybe a grey repaint ostrich might look cool. elint's brother or sumtin. very nice still.
  4. dude just saw devins decals!!! those are tight! definetly getting those instead of stickers. the stickers just seem so outdated.
  5. Make sure you email Tam to let him know about the issues. It seems that the VF-0's coming from Tam have some really bad QC issues.
  6. Looks great. But personally I'd rather have you make all the GPB stickers like on the Yamato sheet and pay a little more for them. Random thought-And I wonder if the upcoming LV GPB will have different colored stickers? 401766[/snapback] Stop complaining and just buy it. 401778[/snapback] He's not complaining. Be nice. 401799[/snapback] Are you gonna buy a few sets? The more you buy the more you save on shipping. Don't forget that. Its a good deal.
  7. Looks great. But personally I'd rather have you make all the GPB stickers like on the Yamato sheet and pay a little more for them. Random thought-And I wonder if the upcoming LV GPB will have different colored stickers? 401766[/snapback] Stop complaining and just buy it.
  8. People are buying them you should too. 401533[/snapback] I've a tight budget and small wallet!! LOL I'd rather save the case to acquire more valks! At least for now .... 401570[/snapback] Then why did you start this topic to begin with then? You tease!!!
  9. People are buying them you should too.
  10. Anybody else?? Come on just buy one to see how good they really are. I WILL GURANTEE YOU WILL LOVE IT AND WANT TO BUY MORE!!!!
  11. Nice. How about just buying one more? You can save on shipping!!
  12. yEAH it doesnt have grey trim. They are just all black. They were drawn too small for detail. There were 3 all black non strike vf's. I saw it on one of the early episodes. showed 3 of them sitting together in a row in the hanger.
  13. Dude the stealth does appear in the anime as background scenes in the hanger. Not too detail but if you see the early episodes there is one episode showing 3 small all black valks in the hanger.
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